Level wipe

There isn’t a way you can do a choice here and things would work out. Either you do it or you don’t. That’s like Vetex saying you can choose if you wanna be a tester for his game or not

if its an option, a lot of players aren’t going to think about how fucked the progression will be with a level 90 character at the start, and just pick “i wanna keep my data”

then explain it to them through a description or something

Oh jesus here we go again

Personally I wouldn’t mind a level reset, I mean, getting them back isn’t that difficult anyways.

Not against having the option to choose to keep your levels, but at the very least you need a way to reset your levels only

…But yeah, resetting everyone’s levels would just be simpler


Just make it optional that should be fine

Out of sight, out of mind

ok but who are you

I am Figure

and i am relevant

Yes, I just forgot about your suggestion thats all

It’s hard with 24 files :frcryin:

I’m against it purely because resetting every single file would be extremely annoying for multiple people.

do you actually have 24 files

couldnt a promt saying “would you like to reset your level” be good then

Yeah. Try and catch me leveling all of my 50 files.

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Yes, I literally do, every magic and 2 gold files instead of 1

All level 90


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99% of people would click no, it defeats the purpose of a level reset