Limbus Company Gameplay Thread

getting thread gets faster, fast enough that uptie 4 is reasonably within reach.
(albeit still a decently sized investment)

speaking of Egoshards…which one should i convert into thread?

when exactly?

Level 40 gets you access to the best thread lux that can get you 36 daily with skips and bonuses.
Any event from what I’ve seen also usually throws loads of thread at you as rewards.
(my early game uptying was carried by the christmas event)
Later battlepass levels give decently large amounts of shards/thread (far more within reach).
Refraction Railway ALSO gives a big amount of thread/shards.

Maple jumpscare (should i be worried?)

I think that requires me to get to Canto V :skull:

Yes, the pass does, i just need to farm Mirror Dungeons for the pass reward thread.

Locked behind Canto V :skull:

Yes, i know i’ve made a skill issue there.

Is it just me or am i being schizophrenic again…
Why do enemy lust skill rolls are so high? the other sin afffinity rolls aren’t that huge, other than our local neighboorhood pitbull having abnormally high rolls, but that’s the usual, he is a garden pitbull after all (Talking about Brazen Bull-Tearful.)

Oh god it’s the electric Pitbull :skull:

His theme is Canto III CI, which is probably the best Canto III theme out there…now i feel like losing this dungeon on purpose to listen to this banger for longer, or listen to a Red Mist remix.

Somehow…The Dude’s attack rolls are pretty lenient…odd, maybe i debuffed him quite a bit, possibly?

These bleed EGO gifts are perfectly balanced :skull:

don’t forget it can be upgraded!

And also combined into the ultimate bleed EGO Gift…
One small problem with that EGO Gift is that it requires 5 characters to have atleast one skill that inflicts bleed or unique bleed.

well the other one can also be upgraded to turn every wrath skill into a bleed skill regardless of who is using it lol.

i do not use heathcliff in my bleed build, so that option is out of the window.


With Child Within a Flask, you can earn big with this EGO Gift :money_mouth_face:

I have tried skill replacement for the first time on Hong Lu…not sure what that did, anyway, hopefully it did something good.

want me to explain the mechanic?

skill replacement? yeah, sure.

ok so naturally your characters have
3 skill 1
2 skill 2
1 skill 3

you cannot replenish any of these until you’ve used all 6 skills.
skill replacement removes, for example, 1 skill 1 to add 1 skill 2.
the total count remains at 6, but now you draw 3 skill 2s before running out.