Limbus Company Gameplay Thread

They really made captain ishmael synergize with literally every team.
there’s no team that doesn’t greatly benefit from being able to use free skill 1s to generate more resources lol.

sources? as in EGO Resources?

Yes, ego resources, but also charge, poise, bleed, burn, sinking, whatever the skill 1 generates lol.
Its just free resource generation for characters to activate their passives or use their special big attacks sooner.

It works even better with characters that use stuff like charge or poise since that stuff barely goes away naturally and ishmael already gives poise to other characters on kill (3 pride resonance required)

Ishmael seems more OP than i thought.

Like I said a while ago, PM really wanted a paycheck when they added her lol.
I plan on making a poise centric blade lineage team with captain ishmael thrown in where BL outis would normally be.

got beat up by kim in the mirror dungeon (turns out offense level makes winning clashes nearly impossible without ego)

kim claiming everyone’s skeletons

managed to get kimsault afterwards somehow

Kim selling people’s skeletal Organs into the black market (real).

Finally back (for real this time), might cook some dungeons soon.

Never bothered to check off topic, kinda surprised there’s a Limbus Company thread here.

Maybe I’ll start posting random gameplay clips here? Though I only have some funny skill swap pictures (4 W Ryo skill 2’s and 0 Chef Ryo skill 1’s), and…


Yi Sang thinks he’s Kimsault :skull:.

Lmao, it isn’t even peak sinking damage output. The theoretical max is 99x98 (maybe you can get 1 more count but I don’t think it’s possible), which is 9702 damage. If the enemy is gloom weak, that can go up to 19404 damage.

It’s funny, but it also means that sinking will likely barely get any support or new ID’s. Sinking already kills anything anyways, even if you play it like blue rupture and ignore sinking deluge.


I really should make a sinking build lol.

Tremor’s counterpart of sinking deluge is technically tremor burst, but i think it’s much weaker than it, but more accessible.

Basically all of the status builds are super expensive and require a lot of uptie 4’s. But sinking only requires 2 or 3 units/things: Rime Shank with high uptie (preferably with Dieci Rodion) (THIS THING GOES CRAZY YOU ABSOLUTELY NEED THIS TO MAKE SINKING STACKS COMPLETELY FREE TO MAINTAIN), Molar Boatworks Ishmael (massive sinking support, does not consume count if you fulfill her very easy passive condition), and optionally Spicebush Yi Sang if you want funny numbers (but he actually sucks for keeping sinking stacks, and deluge is usually overkill for MD’s)

Yes, these units are very hard to get if you haven’t been playing since launch, but it’s cheaper than other archetypes and strong enough for basically anything.

Thanks to the “Yield my Flesh, to claim their bones” event, i can buy egoshard crates and thread after i get Don Quixote Salsu for my bleed build.

Rodion finally has a use? damn.

Floor 4 final boss abnos usually kick my ass, and i might need that for hardmode MD, when i unlock it, that is.

I’m not sure why you would get BL Don for a bleed build. Bloise (Bleed + Poise) builds for the mirror dungeon are EXTREMELY strong due to activating two fusion gifts, but this is super endgame stuff.

I find bleed to be mediocre because it’s hard to keep up stacks. Of course, you should play to have fun, but in the early game of a gacha game I think it’s perfectly fine to be a meta slave and accumulate as many pure DPS identities as possible.

Yeah she used to be extremely ass until PM dropped Dieci Rodion. She’s absolutely crazy, being good sinking support, insane damage + coins + clashing in a sinking team, great tank, first introduction of discard (i think).

There’s also Rosespanner Rodion, which is good for tremor. But, tremor is tremor… so she’s just ok.

At least base Rodion has a good support passive.

It’s probably because you’re still new to the game and don’t have a strong and actually complete team. And MD3H is like 4x harder than MD3N IMO. I can winrate through the normal dungeon no problem, but mirror dungeon hard can absolutely kick my ass if I’m going for max starlight.

The reason is simple:The new blade lineage identities usually have “If this unit has X+ Poise, Coin power +1” at Uptie III or IV, it varies between identities.

Nah, i’d build.

Wound Clerid/Bloody Mist:

Fr? i forgot what it was.

How do you maximise starlight gain? i only got like 103 starlight at most from my first ever MD.

Basically every new identity has coin power conditionals. PM graduated from their absolutely terrible and dysfunctional release identities and now slap coin power conditionals on every ID to fix their rolls (alongside hard synergies and bandaid fixes for status effects).

Good luck I guess… I’m surprised that you seem to know what bloise is. Then again, you see a lot of insame MD runs on Youtube.

Issue: It’s only in mirror dungeon. Yeah, it’s the endgame content, but mirror dungeon makes any archetype viable and any run into a P + Enter sweep. You just need to grind out the starlight tree and get 6 (FUNCTIONAL) identities for every sinner and 5 full teams to maximize starlight gain.

Other endgame content exists, like refraction railway and new cantos. You’ll actually need a functional team and not one that’s carried by op gifts.

Putting your sinners on all sorts of interdimensional steroids is really fun though, ngl

+10% damage on heads hit for one sinner or something (maybe it was +20%? But that is Tingtang Hongler)

Good for solo runs, kinda whatever for anything else but it’s better than nothing.

Each identity has a starlight bar. Whenever you clear a MD run, all unequipped identities gain 1 pip on the starlight bar. If you end a MD run, all your equpped identities (I believe as long as they aren’t swapped during the run) empty their starlight bar and grant 1 starlight per pip. Basically, play through a variety of identities to get more starlight. And play the hard dungeon for a bit more.

It’s also affected by reward scaling from the amount of floors you complete.

Didn’t watch any.Nor even hard mode ones, i heard about Hardmode MD-exclusive abnos like My form Empties and some fire moth, though.

Hopefully i can do Alleyway Watchdog solo someday :sunglasses:

I see, i see.

My Form Empties is from Refraction Railway 1. The “fire moth” is in the current refraction railway.

Solo runs appear to be hard in the first floor, but every youtube video has insane starlight reserves and instantly start sweeping the floor by floor 2.

Solo runs are not actually hard. They are only hard if you haven’t grinded enough starlight. Otherwise, as long as you aren’t playing a literal dogwater identity it’s easy peasy. But I also haven’t actually done any since I only have ~half of the starlight tree complete, and no fusion gifts unlocked.

You have to unlock fusion gifts through fusing other gifts or what?

There’s a starlight node that unlocks three ego gifts. Attached to that are 7 or so mini starlight nodes, which say that they unlock 2 ego gifts for a status archetype.

This is kind of a lie but also way stronger than you’d expect. They unlock one gift that is either tier 1 or tier 3 for it’s archetype. The second ego gift comes from the fact that you have to fuse a certain tier 1 gift and a certain tier 3 gifts of your chosen status archetype to get a (usually) super OP fusion gift. The fusion gifts always require a gift from a starlight buff.

You can probably just search up the fusion recipies, but I think I know some of them off the top of my head.

Ashes to Ashes + Dust to Dust = Soothe the Dead (burn)
Smokes and Wires + Rusted Muzzle = Bloody Mist (bleed)
A horseshoe gift + Four Leaf Clover = Lucky Pouch (poise)
A portrait gift + Midwinter Nightmare = Black Sheet Music (sinking)
Talisman Bundle + A battery gift = Enrapturing Trance (rupture)

Can’t remember the charge and tremor gifts off the top of my head. Charge is mediocre though, and some people say that the rupture gift isn’t as good as upgrading Talisman Bundle.