I unironically like reading a game’s content than reading an average book.
I once found a video where somebody lost to LOR Big Bird because they didn’t read the passives.
Even more Micro
Interesting, yeah i haven’t been paying attention to the Inquisitors’s heads roll effect, so that might be why i got my ass whooped, too.
also, if an enemy uses negative coin skills, avoid using any skills that inflict paralyze since it essentially guarantees their skills roll max, same with sinking characters, also extremely bad in this situation.
From what i’ve also seen…i don’t think i need the weekly bonus to get Scabbards from MD, which is good, because i can just continously do Mirror Dungeons (if i had time to begin with).
the weekly bonuses don’t give you any extra scabbards at all lol.
as far as I know hardmode doesn’t either.
Taking a look at sunshowever heathcliff I can definitely see use cases in sinking/rupture teams, but dear god he has some ABYSMAL clash rates.
Though he’s also great at self-applying sinking (both a good and bad thing)
even at uptie 4 his skill 1 is a 6 - 2 3 coin skill.
Meaning it has a max roll of 6 and a min clash roll of 4.
Trying to clash anything with this is just to activate the clash lose passive for more self-sinking lol.
Nope.Guido’s just a gigachad with iron armor and a very large nail, and he can’t fly, so he can’t even reach Goku to begin with.
Which means Goku no diffs Guido.