Limbus Company Gameplay Thread

He’s the negative coin character I was talking about a while ago.
Much like distorted kim, all of his attacks become weaker when he rolls heads lol.

Hopefully he’s as busted as N Corp Faust.

I should make a N-Corp only team in the future, they are so fun to play with.

Far more, in my experience N faust is honestly not all that great.

Really good in early game and mirror dungeon with bloody mist, but 12 rolling skill 3 that only does like 50 damage if you meet the conditionals doesn’t take you especially far.

but…the gripping at a certain uptie level has Paralyse…making an enemy’s dice temporaily useless?

well yea but that’s her only good skill lol.
everything else has abysmal clash rates.

N corp sinclar, on the other hand, rolls way better, his skill 1 isn’t very noteworthy but his skill 2 and skill 3 are better than most skill 3s lol.

I see, i see…
I’ve heard N Corp Meursault is a tank and a…Descendant of Blockma, so to say.
Not sure if that title holds up, though.

He’s also very funny in being the only N corp character without a lust skill.
(having tons of it in an N corp team is good because of faust’s passive)

On another note I’ve almost finished building my first actual coherent team.
It taking as long as it has is 100% my fault for jumping on like 5 different team layouts and trying to progress them all.

hmmm…speaking of builds…
After i get Don Quixote Salsu for Bloise support, i might need to buy the entire stock of extraction tickets…so i can progress with the pity, i suppose.

I hope you get luckier on the banner rolls than I did lol.

you didn’t get Kimsault or Faust yet? because i also don’t.
I keep getting Captain Gregor dupes lol.

oh no I got them both by sharding, I have 70 rolls on that banner and I didn’t get either lol.

I had 0 gregor shards when I started, I ended up with like 260

Wait…you can get them through sharding, too?
I only have 50 egoshards of both Meursault and Faust…though.
and i have 44 Yi Sang idealities currently.

you can get anything through sharding lol.

except for new walpurgisnacht (did I spell that right???) things.
you can also only shard old characters from those particular events after the one they showed up in and during one of those events.

since you can get those Egoshard Choice crates from the pass…i could theoretically shard Meursault…i would need to grind the pass hard, though.The most i can get from them is 30 Egoshards total, because you get 10 from the pass unlocks.

The pass (especially the paid one), is the go-to way to shard characters.

I’m still a bit torn on who I want to finish off this team layout

Kurokumo rodion (has pursuance, bleed and poise)
Harpponer heathcliff (pride skill 1, overall very good when given poise, also has bleed + poise)
First mate gregor (gloom generation for fluid sac, bleed + poise)

I’m currently in mirror dungeon so I have a bunch of characters I don’t use in my other slots for bonus starlight lol.

Hong Lu’s got the face of a person that has commited several warcimes in 50 different states of america.
Is this a Bloise team or a sinking team?

well yes it will have literally no sinking in it after I replace dieci rodion.
going for atleast 5 characters with bleed and atleast 5 characters with poise so I can activate both lucky pouch and bloody mist if I end up in a run that lets me have both.