Limbus Company Gameplay Thread

next step of the plan:Uptie IV and get level 30 Kimsault before i’ll continue trying to get Faust into the pack.
I mean…she should still be in the Dispense tab after the event, right?

since i felt like thread from the scabbard store is top prority right now, i didn’t bother to get extraction tickets out of stock.

Speaking of extraction tickets…i’ve got the new Liu Association Ryoshu…at this rate, i might get the next build to be a burn build next.

Heard Dieci Hong Lu pairs especially well with Captain Ishmael, since his skill 1 discards his other skills to gain more power (so when skill 3 is discarded he gains 2 more coins. pair that with ishmael’s skill 2 and it reuses it again, i think)

of course, i’m not sure if he’s even that good or not, i’ve barely dug into the ID

Maybe in the far, far future, or in not that long future depending on my RNG, i might make a Dieci Discard build and see how powerful he is really.

Since i now have 50 thread after sharding…i need roughly 100 scabbards for 100 thread.
To further increase the scabbard boost, i could use Uptie III Kimsault in a dungeon, which i think increases the boost to 110% (previously 80%), since he’ll be max level in the dungeon…he should remain pretty strong in the battlefield, even if i didn’t max him out uptie-wise, atleast i got his revive proc, but i lack the OP 100% damage boost to a single target with “To Claim Their Bones”, which would allow me to one-shot boss abnos with it i bet, since it’s locked behind Uptie IV.

What should i use on my weaker team instead of Kimsault? maybe Rodion? depends if base Rodion is good to begin with.
Yeah, kinda running out of options here.

I have pulled off “To Claim Their Bones” on False Apple, at the cost of Kimsault losing half his health…
This was truly an endorphin injection.

More EGO for me lol, is this even good to begin with?

Successfully achieved Uptie IV Kimsault, Faust grind is next to complete the set, and then i’ll have to max uptie some of them before they’ll become useful.
Also finally did Canto III exp Luxcavation, supposedly gives the same ticket types as Canto II luxcavation, but one more of each.
This has been really sucessfull ngl, hopefully i’ll get Faust pity before the event ends.

Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t like this ego too much. The poise and charge numbers are too low to consider using above a regular skill (remember that egos cost resources), and the aoe is kinda odd when not at uptie 4.

(Uptie 3 has 2 aoe on awakening and no crit damage bonus on corrosion, that’s the only difference I believe)

Her only poise id (aside from base) is questionably good and doesn’t use charge.

The ego also doesn’t give enough poise to be worth using on her charge id + the corrosion consumes a lot of charge for middling benefit (crit is only +20% dmg lol) + charge gain is generally worse than skills.

I’d rather use Red Eyes for the potential at plus coin drop that I’ve never actually used well, but if it’s your only Ryoshu teth then it’s fine.

Wouldn’t on hit effects get tripled since it has a weight of 3

Actually yeah, so the charge gain is a bit better than I thought for human fights/multiple body parts. That’s still only 6 charge on three targets on uptie 4 - double that if you can consistently get crits while also actually using charge.

I still don’t think it’s that good, just fine.

Back from a dungeon, used my lunacy and got…Liu Association Rodion…
What is wrong with my luck to get Liu Ryoshu and Rodion, but not Kimsault and Faust during their respective event?
Anyways…i think i know what build we are making next:A Burn Build.
Since my bleed build is nearing completion, i guess i could set onto making another build soon for the laughs and giggles with how OP they might be + to maximize starlight gain in MD.
Thing is…who do i get as my fifth option? Gregor or Meursault? and what could be my sixth option in that case?

can he cook?

hmmm? what are you referring to?

just for knowledge, what canto are you on?

Canto III, i can do the dungeon but i want to fully complete my bleed build beforehand.

you will find out who can and cannot cook soon

are you guys referring to Hell’s Chicken?

idk is he

what? i don’t get it.