that’s what the wiki says, and i am not sure if i should 100% trust it with that it says, but it still was a helpful source of information about the game for now.
By countering with “Yield My Flesh” or something? even if Swordplay of the Homeland gives free coin power…i am not sure if that’ll be enough to clash with it.
Might need to use EGO to clash with the coupon blasts to begin with.
the ricardo fight was the one and only time I ever actually utilized tremor.
I wouldn’t recommend it, I only used tremor because I had nobody but LCCB ishmael at a decent level lol.
If you have Liu ishmael at level 40 and uptie 3/4, try having her solo/duo with another strong character and make sure she tanks every single attack going to the supporting character(s)
remember she is immortal until everyone else on the team dies so get rid of her stagger thresholds in the first two waves as fast as you can.
I love seeing all this spoiler talk meanwhile I’m stuck on that 3 wave fight in Canto III with that whistle mechanic and that stupid idiot who grabs who I hate as a character.
This one ID don quixote has has hard carried me so far through fights with my team being underlevelled simply because mmm yes The Middle Little Sister punch strong!
Hopefully it isn’t that complicated to get through with it’s gimmick, but it looks like PM’s pulling the big guns, even in story dungeons, with more difficult abnos.