Limbus Company Gameplay Thread

again, sinking teams are also enjoying this update, specifically yi sang since ryoshu’s support passive just gives more tremor count when gaining it

That’s also great to see, I think my next team’s going to be tremor now that I’ve gotten poise and sinking down.

Tremor is becoming a very unique status effect now that its gaining the ability to do like 30 different things lol.
At this rate, blunt force trauma is going to be the most versatile team.

not really no, tremor is just rupture but it hits even harder and is even more of a “on clash win: Kill.” archetype than charge

And with each update it only becomes even funnier.
We’ve gotten 4 different flavors of blunt force trauma, now we’re getting a 5th and the ability to mix two of them.

30 minutes until copious amounts of grinding

not two of them, you can apply as many as you want in that one turn

So you can apply every tremor in one turn with the right setup?

What could possibly go wrong?

well it only LASTS for that one turn that it’s in superposition

anyways aint no way they added communist tremor:

Anyways, I’m real happy I managed to get the liu identities for all 3 relevant sinners for TKT, plus it’s funny because canonically the liu association specializes in fighting many opponents at once, just like what we get in tkt

but like GOOD LORD these enemies have way too many coins ryoshu is getting 20 sanity from a clash with flame cleave

After my abysmal extraction luck during the last event, the game seems to be trying to make it up to me.

I somehow managed to roll the TimeKilling time intervallo card during my MD run.
Ngl this Intervallo seems pretty good (if i was able to play it…), the boss wasn’t that hard, compared to Bamboo-hatted Kim (I mean…the boss has the same panic type as Kim…).
The new enemies and elite are pretty creative enemies ngl, haven’t seen something this unique since Canto V.
and thank god the event used the Yield my Flesh, to Claim their Bones format, peak format ngl, and it seems to be easier to grind than TCTB Event, which means that if i’ll lock in…i could purchase all the things i need and the cool cosmetics with effects (hopefully.).
Pretty good time coming back to the game, i suppose.
(I also do not remember my Poise Identities being this strong when i get alot of Poise EGO Gifts, not sure what happened there).

With the power of fusing…i made one of the special rock candies.
not sure what it does ngl, since i don’t think i have poise-based EGO in my arsenal.
made using two Tier 3 EGO gifts and one Tier Two Ego Gift.
i became much smarter in terms of fusing things the past 3 Mirror Dungeons.

Everlasting seems to be extremely good even outside of tremor teams.
It just hits things really really hard.

It also applies tremor count which is useful for molar ishmael in that very specific sinking team niche.

All except its 60 sanity cost corrosion which is a little tiny bit more sanity than it has any good reason to be asking for in a single turn.

no idea what happened here
(bleed mdh run)

Pointillist Yi Sang

anyways, something I learned in my struggle to glimpse something is that:
2 tier 3 gifts and one tier 2 usually makes a tier 4

you can only fuse what’s available on the floor pack, which you can see while selecting a floor

also lmao, I glimpsed the timekilling boss in md4h before the last phase and the camera just slowly moved to my sinners before saying I won

tbh Faith (after using a positive coin skill, max sp) carried the last floor, since I only learned to glimpse right before the end thanks to fusing


no prior reverb only tremor gifts, 4 sinners alive (the boss is that fucked im ngl ten limbillion offense level ups is not a joke)

There’s also this type of Tremor, may or may not be more annoying than Tremor-Distribution.

Btw, i seem to not have Shi Heathcliff you were talking about in borrowed support tab, not sure why that’s the case.