Limbus Company Gameplay Thread

forcible phase shifts :pensive:

oh yeah haven’t put him in company yet sorry

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Funny Moment.
(How is Shi Heathcliff…that good?)
God, i am sweating rivers right now, stressing like all hell to not have to go through this shit again because of a dumb mistake.
wish me luck, this is my new best.


Holy shit i did it.
i was close to losing, since i wasn’t able to block the second “Time to Repent”, which could have been Healthcliff’s Death…
But thankfully, i pulled out his EGO before he did it, which successfully killed him…
that EGO cutscene…music to my ears.
So…who’s next to beat the living shit out of?

u gon fight da dawg

i too love heathcliff having a mental breakdown as he beats the everliving crud out of the man who ruined his life

also god seeing the pictures of THAT person after beating 6-34 before part 3 came out gave me chills

what a silly question of who’s next.

anyways, shi heathcliff is funny because decent rolls, fuels bodysack, and flashing strike rolls about 100 damage on a purely neutral enemy

if he was uptie 4 tho flashing strike would have an attack weight of 2 at 50% hp

Oh right…yeah.
hopefully he won’t be as bullshitty as…whatever that thing was.
atleast he’s got banger music (i watched all the boss fight tracks without beating the respective bosses, other than the Mili song).

Well, you know how every boss up until this point gained a bunch of sanity for no reason? This guy seems to make you lose it after hitting you. It’s annoying.

Do keep us updated on your limbus experiences

hmmm…sounds less bullshitty than Heathliff?'s sanity shenanigans.
Alright, i’ll be on my way to discipline a pitbull.
Small edit, but it took me too long to realize that the red text during the story cutscene’s Carmen…i completely forgot about her for a moment.

so, how goes the heartbroken?

I first-tried him.
My god…The Heartbroken’s so Peak…
Probably my favorite boss fight of this Canto, for now, that is.

oh, for now is definitely the right word

Well…i don’t even know what to say anymore, other than the fact that i’ll finally see The Wild Hunt.
My god, this Canto’s so messed up.
Atleast Linton’s gone, confident asshole.
Alrighty…i’ll probably update on this once i’ll get to 6-41 Impenetrable Path.

oh yeah, for a certain fight with a certain wave count, bring a pen.

Wait…why’s that the case?

You’ll see. Just tell me when you’re done.

We love when the Ex challenge is “survive”.
It really lets you know that you’re in for a good time.