Limbus Company Gameplay Thread

When EX is:
Beat the stage in 10 turns

Beat the stage in 15 turns

Beat the stage

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On one hand: Yay no turn restriction!
On the other hand: wait why isn’t there a turn restriction?

you know SOMETHING is going to happen when the game doesn’t expect 15 turns to be enough

mfw the fight takes ten billion years

this game looks like rocket science bro I’m ngl so much shit is happening its hard to tell what genre im even looking at :skull:

Its really simple honestly.

Things become a lot more bearable when you realize that having more than 1 of the main status archetypes in your team is typically a bad idea.

Its just that the tutorial does an absolutely horrendous job at explaining… anything!

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not really, it’s fairly simple once you play 2 rounds

this video should help you understand:

I’m already confused

Ok so there’s 7 different status archtypes.

Nearly every character in the game is built around one of or rarely two of these.

status archetype = there are 7 main status effects in the game, and teams are much stronger when they tend to revolve around one of those statuses rather than being a team with characters split between the two


literally only 2 of those sound like anything I’d be able to undersrand

ok so status effects have two parts to them
1: Potency
2: Count

Potency determines how much the status effect does
Count determines how many times it can do it before the potency is reset to 0.

good thing we have a solution for that too!

but if you want a summary: (give me a second)

Burn, on turn end: deal true damage (unaffected by any multipliers) by the potency number, then reduce the count by 1

Bleed, when a coin is flipped (used in a clash/attack): deal true damage (unaffected by any multipliers) by the potency number, then reduce the count by 1

Tremor: When hit by a skill that triggers “tremor burst”, increase the stagger threshold by the potency. On turn end, reduce count by 1

Rupture, when hit: take true damage (unaffected by any multipliers) by the potency number, then reduce the count by 1

Sinking, when hit: take sanity damage (sanity is something you’ll learn about quickly, it affects your chances to flip heads on a coin) by the potency, then reduce count by 1. If this would cause sanity to overflow from -45, or the target has no sanity, take Gloom damage by the overflow.

other two are buff that let you crit, based off potency count, and the other is a resource used on attacks

is this like a DoT thing or something

Burn/Bleed are your DoT esque effects.

Burn deals its potency as damage at the end of every turn and reduces count by 1 at the end of every turn.
Bleed deals its potency as damage and reduces its count every time the afflicted uses a coin for any reason with an attack skill.

Burn deals its damage much slower but its much easier to keep the count up while bleed can deal alot of damage extremely fast if you can keep up.

so potency is like

how long it lasts for

and then count is how many ticks of whatever can happen within the potency

no no.

Potency represents how powerful the effect is and count represents how many times it can trigger.

basically potency and count go up to 99.
if an enemy has 99 burn for instance, they take 99 damage at the end of every turn
If they have 2 count, it would be reduced to 1 count and they’d keep 99 potency.

If they had 1 count, it would reduce to 0 and all burn would be removed.

just watch this, I think I got the timestamp right

ok so skip to the Status Effect part at 7:52

My brain rn:
Your Device Ran Into a Problem and Needs to Restart (10 Fixes)

oh wait I think I kinda get it

potency is how strong it is

and count is how long it lasts for until it goes away