Limbus Company Gameplay Thread

go on


so like

having 99 burn for 4 counts would result in a total of 396 damage over the course of 4 turns

yeah, however do note that different statuses lose count in different ways, like how bleed ticks every time the afflicted individual rolls a coin in a clash or attacking (coins are hard to explain but easy to understand in practice) or how sinking and rupture tick every time the afflicted is hit


One thing to note, effects that apply count/potency are added to the current status stack instead of replacing the effect for a new one.

Like if you land an attack with 5 potency and 1 count then in the same turn another attack with 0 potency and 10 count, you’d end with a stack of 5 potency and 11 count.

I see.

Now, since the basics are over with

what exactly are the status effects supposed to be? (besides the obvious in burn and bleed)

Bleed is something I’m not going to bother trying to explain because I’d have to go over coins and that’s best learned ingame.

Sinking and rupture are the easiest to understand and function near identically to each other aside from burn.

well rupture is probably having a ruptured bone, sinking is depression, tremor is I guess your weapon vibrating before it disperses it into you when hit right, and poise and charge are getting a good stance and having power respectively

OH did you mean like how they work? revisit a message I sent earlier

this one


what are they?

like what does it mean to be sinking or ruptured

it makes sense to be burned or to be cut and to start bleeding but I have no idea what being poised or tremored would mean

as I said, poise (this is a positive status) is getting poised for a good hit, charge (this is positive too) is having electrical power, rupture is some internal rupture that probably just gets worse when hit, and sinking is of course depression or something idk

tremor is still extremely weird


so like

ruptured is probably a damaging DoT

sinking is like a debuff that can get stronger

no clue what tremor is

poise and charge are positive effects I assume?

These two status effects apply their potency every time they are hit by an attack coin (an individual hit within an attack skill)
When hit, they apply their potency effect and lose 1 count.

Rupture applies its potency as true damage same as burn.
Sinking applies its potency as SP damage against enemies with SP or gloom damage (think of it like an element type) to enemies without SP.

SP stands for “sanity points” and determines the odds of a coin rolling heads or tails with each point of SP from -45 to 45 representing 1% added or subtracted from the base 50%
The minimum chance for heads is 5% and the maximum chance is 95%.

In most cases, having low SP is extremely bad so you want your enemies to have low SP.

the first two are completely wrong

rupture and sinking are both effects that activate when the target with them is hit

let’s say the target has 23 sp (sp can go to -45 to 45), and has 63 sinking potency/4 count, and 23 rupture potency/8 count

the target gets hit once, activating both. Because of this, sinking goes off, dealing 63 sanity damage, lowering the target’s sp to -40, and then rupture goes off, dealing an extra 23 true damage. Then both effects tick down by 1 count. The target gets hit by the next coin in the skill, taking another 63 sinking damage, and 23 rupture damage. Because the sinking damage would overflow the targets sanity, the extra 58 sanity damage is instead dealt as gloom damage (gloom is one of the 7 sin affinities of the game, which are kind of like pokemon types I guess in that every attack has one, and enemies can resist or be fatal (0.5-2.0) to an affinity), and then 23 more true damage is dealt from rupture.

let’s say the target is hit 4 more times. They take 126 more gloom damage, before stopping on the third hit, because their sinking has expired by then. This is because sinking had a count of 4, meaning it lasted for 4 hits taken. The rupture however, having an initial count of 8, takes 92 more true damage, ending with a count of 2

this isn’t how it works lol.
it only works that way when sinking deluge is activated. (don’t worry about it)

even if a target is at -45 sanity it doesn’t matter how much sinking you apply, it will simply keep them there.

so are coins kinda like the RNG factor of this game

do they determine stuff like how strong your attack is gonna be kinda like DnD dice

no that I’m pretty sure is exactly how sinking works. At the very least, if the enemy has NO sanity, then it works like that

That’s a pretty good way to explain them.
Basically, every skill has a certain amount of coins, a certain base power, and a certain coin power.

The base power determines the skill’s lowest possible roll.
Base power + (coin power X number of coins) is the highest possible roll.

Lets say a skill has a base power of 4, a coin power of 3 and 2 coins.
Like this one:

If both coins flip heads, this skill will roll a 10.
If one flips heads, it will roll a 7.
If neither flip heads, it will stay at 4.

kinda, it’s hard to explain.

Each skill has at least 1 coin, and every coin gives a certain amount from rolling heads, referred to as coin power. A skill has a floor, and then a bonus for rolling head for each coin. Let’s say you have a 2 coin skill, with a base of 4. The skill has a coin power of 4. You roll two heads, meaning your skill has rolled a 12. Alternatively, you roll two tails, and your skill rolled a 4

this is how it works in clashes

when actually attacking, every single coin acts as an individual “hit”, so that 2 coin skill would attack twice. Using the same example, let’s say you roll heads on the first coin while attacking. The skill would attack with a roll of 8, then you roll again for the next hit, and also hit heads, attacking with a roll of 12. let’s say that we ignore every other damage calculation variable for this example

your attack would deal a total of 20 damage, as the first hit did 8, and the next did 12


when skill slots between an enemy and ally attack each other, this results in a clash. Both skills roll ALL their coins, and whichever has a higher number, destroys 1 coin on the lower rolling skill. Then, the remaining coins are rolled again, and the cycle repeats until one skill no longer has any coins. Then, the winning skill attacks with the remaining coins