Limbus Company Gameplay Thread

so basically it just slightly affects damage depending on what you roll

where your attack has a base damage but depending on the coin flips it can increase either slightly or drastically if you’re lucky (or idk whatever else effects luck in this game)

very much not slightly.
Rolling badly not only cripples your clashes but also cripples your damage.

Maintaining high SP is extremely important.

sanity is how you manipulate if a coin rolls heads or not. As previously mentioned, each sanity point affects the chance to roll heads by 1%, up to a minimum chance of 5% and a max of 95%

so is SP like morale in decaying winter where if it gets too low then you basically become a sitting duck and can’t really function at all

typ please watch the “A Better Tutorial for Limbus Company” video

yeah in a way actually, if you reach -45 sp on a sinner, they either go into a panic, not acting for 1 turn then resetting to 0, or if you have a non-base EGO equipped, corrode, using an indiscriminate correded EGO move (basically imagine some powerful special move) before resetting to 0 sp. The indiscriminate part means they can attack allies

something to note is that a few ids are “negative sanity” identities. This means that all the coins on their skills give negative coin power, so rolling heads lowers your roll

not to mention that said corrosion will eat your resources all the same as if you used it normally so that’s also bad.

there is a lot of terms and phrases in that explanation that might require more explanations :skull:

I’ll watch the video ig

ID = basically just a character

EGO = a special skill that you can choose to use if you have the right “sin resources”, these are typically strong and provide other effects, along with providing unique passive abilities after use

Corrosion = every EGO has an awakening (normal) and corroded (corroded) form. Corroded skills take more sanity, are typically negative coin (meaning you want to roll tails, heads lowers your roll), and if they corrode from reaching -45 sp (or you lack the 1.5x sin resource cost needed to use the corroded skill on demand), they are indiscriminate with their targetting, letting them target and hit allies. Most corroded skills target randomly.

Since that video was made, a few changes have happened with tremor.

Personally I wouldn’t really bother with it because…
This will all make sense later.

tremor is extremely weird, and has been weak for most of it’s life. The dev’s solution? Give it a few colours that do a bunch of random stuff and call it a day.

Basically before tremor made it easier for you to stagger enemies.
Problem being is that stagger only lasts for 1 turn and most enemies that you want to stagger faster can only be staggered one time throughout their fight so tremor became completely useless after that unlike literally every other effect.

Now it can:
Stagger enemies but better (fracture)
Deal sloth damage equal to potency on burst (reverb)
Reduce defense level based on potency without needing to use bursts (decay)
Tremor burst but more (everlasting)
and so on.

oh look my guesses for the sins were sorta right

I assumed the DNA was lust because of… yknow… sex and stuff

fire is wrath because ANGRY!!!

sloth being a rock because lazy people don’t like moving and rocks don’t move

the others I don’t really understand though, maybe pride a bit but wouldn’t a crown or something make more sense for pride?

gloom: a sort of wave, kinda like tears and despair

pride: warriors are pretty prideful yknow, both a crown and swords could work

envy: hard to describe, but thorns can make some sense

personally I just love how bleed corresponds to lust, probably because of the phrase “bloodlust”

gloom is water which is what its typically associated with ingame.

like if a character uses a water based attack in any form, I can guarentee its gloom and probably also applies sinking.

most fire based enemies are also weak to gloom usually because of this

In one bit of endgame content there’s a big funny bug made of fire that completely stops alot of players because of how strong it is.

Bring a proper sinking team and simply apply water to fire to solve the problem in like 3 turns.

chronic depression VS unholy pyrokinetic monsters



As for poise, its different from the others in that its a buff applied to the character using it rather than a negative effect

1 poise potency = 5% crit chance.
Every crit reduces poise count by 1
Crit applies 20% bonus damage, makes a funny sound, and may also apply additional effects depending on the character.


so would a poise focused team just want to stack as many critbuffs as possible