Limbus Company Gameplay Thread

it took about, idk. 6 months from release to get our first WaW i think? (idk i started playing mid season 2)

give it maybe a year or so, then we’ll get an aleph (probably Nothing There)

man why is nothing there such a popular abno

isn’t he also in library of ruinia?

probably due to him being a powerhouse in corp and generally being a pretty neat abno

im pretty sure hes in ruina but idk (i have other games to play before ruina)

What happened while i was gone? Did you guys lobotomize Dub?
From what i could read from the 100 replies…seems like it.
Alright, gonna continuae this in a moment, need to do something.

He is in Ruina, albeit he’s in one of the Realizations, you do not fight him directly in an abno encounter.

the pm disease must spread

This lobotomy allowed me to learn a few basic key mechanics of gameplay like coins and status effects

I don’t think I want too many lobotomies though :face_with_spiral_eyes:

There are more advanced things to learn, like Mass Attack manipulation and Offset.
Advice:When fighting a boss…read their passives and such, PM fans are known to be illiterate.
Reading will atleast save you from getting beat into a pulp because you didn’t read a specific gimmick of a boss.

isn’t mass attacking just spamming moves with a lot of weight on them

Mass Attacks is another terms for moves with AOE, you can manipulate them in your favor, there is a video tutorial about Mass Attack manipulation.

ya isn’t that what attack weight is?

yeah, for every attack weight on a skill, the more enemies it hits, it can sometimes hit the same slot multiple times with enough attack weight.

oh so like

if you had a skill with 4 attack weight and you targeted 3 enemies each with 1 weight worth

you’ll hit one of those enemies again for bonus damage?

yeah, one of the enemies’s slots will get hit twice if you have more attack weight than the number of enemies’s skill slots.

Literally Touhou. (Why does this fight have 1/? wave count?)

Damn, every Peccatulum Irae evolution seems to be more ugly than the last…
But why is he the size of Brazen Bull?
no wait…it might be bigger than that.
Shouldn’t be that hard to kill…right?

Holy crap, Vergillius the Red Goat came to help us! (i was a believer since day 1).
Alrighty, i guess i’ll let him fight for now, since all of my identities are staggered.


(complete sentence)

God, that Golden Bough Resonance cutscene was peak :fire:
Wonder what other functions we’ll unlock, since we unlocked Hokma’s ability.
they seem to be based on the Sephirah from the previous game…i assume.
Will continue in a hour or so.

Holy shit, it’s already happening?
i don’t know what to do, i am genuinely scared of what shit he’s about to pull off.
God, the music’s a banger, jeez.

My god, this was a way cooler version of 6-34 (and 50% less Bullshitty.)

The Attack animations, the music, the gimmicks, etc…
it’s great…oh my god.
i may have overrestimated this fight, thinking this was going to be 6-34 all over again, it was pretty easy, rather.
Keep cooking, Project Moon, you’ve done well.

Let Meursault Cook! :speaking_head: :fire: