Limbus Company Gameplay Thread

I find it amazing how much is in these two trailers

In this one, we see various things, such as demian’s group. But what I want to give more attention to is the ending. Specifically, the screaming, chanting and laughter, before the last Lament. This implies something terrible is going to happen. There’s also the line “May you find your sins” spoken at the very end.

The disaster part adds to the theory that fans talk about, which is that dante’s head is the doomsday clock, a metaphorical clock that ticks down whenever humanity gets close to killing itself, and when it strikes midnight, that’s the apocalypse. Potentially millions of people may die in the end. (this is further reinforced by the fact that apparently the fourth project moon game [if they don’t make distortion detective next] is going to be a city builder. The youtube comment that mentioned the doomsday clock apocalypse theory made the joke of “Sinner Skylines”)

Potentially, this may also be why the main lines of “In Hell We Live, Lament” are “in this Inferno, we built for Ourselves”. Potentially, the city might end up being destroyed (or just laid to ruin, as in Demian’s vision that he tells us about in canto 3 of him climbing a giant ladder, with every light in the city being turned off), as humanity breaks out of the hell it made itself. This would also serve as a massive contrast to the last two games, which are all about humanities’ potential in itself and how it can achieve so much, as shown through EGO and manifesting one’s own mental state in the actual, real world. Humanities’ greatness in being able to do all this would contrast immensely with humanity destroying it’s greatest accomplishment, The City, due to it’s own desires and sins.

Then we have the other teaser

This one has importance in that we see sneak peaks of every sinner’s canto. I do mean EVERY, we can see images from canto 4 and 5 (this was released over a year ago), and images that don’t exist in limbus yet, like hong lu in white dress sitting on their house above a crowd below, with red talismans falling down.

Also, note how in this one, the song ends without any of the screams.

A lot of the game, trailers included, can be described this way.
Its a spoiler if you think about it too hard.

i just finished my Burn Build to some extent, making it usable during MD runs…
and god damn is it strong.
Most encounters i do with this team take 1 turn faster than my bloise team, which is quite the improvement.
And i also managed to get the fusion gift, albeit it didn’t really make a difference for the Timekilling Time theme pack, because enemies there are just that cracked.
And their clashing power is of Kimsault-level proficiency (Kimsault clashing power my beloved).
Overall…Burn teams might be my new favorites.

haha, 22 rolling skill 2!

new don id

that’s enough tremor Project Moo- RELEASE THE TEREMERMMOEROMEROMER!!

One of the few cute Don ids ngl.
maybe she’ll be the first to use support tremor for her allies?

Given that every tremor T corp ID so far has had self tremor mechanics, I would not be surprised.


Jesus Christ, that’s the highest multiplier I’ve ever seen on a single skill.


She looks so bloody braindead

She lookin like somebody you could ask 3 times what her job is and get a different answer every time.

I interrupt this new id news to bring you breaking news

ardor blossom star rolled tails at 45 sp and lost a clash in the timekilling time md4h pack

I swear tails at 45 sp feels like 20%

i remember one time when the boss of the TimeKilling Time pack casually rolled 3 heads coins (I broke the fourth one) while being at -45 sp.
I managed to lose the clash to an enemy at -45 sp, mind you.
I feel like their SP is either bugged (TimeKilling Time enemies, and the boss.) or i am just very unlucky.

I’m pretty sure some bosses straight up have lower sp effects, as in stuff like lobotomy ego: sunshower at -45 sp rolls heads exceptionally often

got this in my mdh last week

jesus christ

i 2 turn killed that guy when i threw hands with them during an Mirror Dungeon event.
not sure how strong they are as a boss.

it’s a lot of counters, and if you’re dumb he gets various buffs through not having those portals killed turn 1

also high speed ripspace I guess

Xiao would be proud!

How much fire does it take to erase 12 brains from existence?