Limbus Company Gameplay Thread

well fundamentally speaking about like 1500 stacks of burn to guarantee killing 5 (the boss’s core hp), so I’d say about 3600 stacks of burn for a single turn, assuming each brain takes 300 burn. An actual brain’s hp is a lot closer to 200, but I’m going off of the guy’s core hp.

Refraction Railway Line 4 teaser’s here!

From what i could have seen in the teasers, we’ll have:

Electric Dreaming Sheep

That Headless Portrait abno idk.

Envy Peccatula? maybe?

Bound King, which i assume might be the Terminus of the Railway, or another religion-themed abno might be in the Terminus, as per usual.

theorize i guess idk.

yea bound king is most likely going to be the terminus of the railway
in the refraction railway 3 pv they show spiral of contempt and that was the terminus

ahab came out the week after rr3, praying that erlking heath is coming out the week after this

looks like the peccatula might mirror specific sets of ids as opposed to just anything you use

I do believe that we’ll never get the erlking, since yknow he vanished at the end for a reason, since he existed purely for (^%(#

Even if we’ve got a Erlking ID…and if we took the 6-44 approach…wouldn’t it be a similar formula to Sinclair’s Philip ID?

Ahab existed solely for the whale.

yeah i meant the wuthering heights mirror world heath

no but like the erlking was literally removed from our world because 093847208t was deleted from all universes

captain ishmael isn’t even after the pallid whale, she’s after the crimson whale

Has anybody tried time mortarium on non-tremor teams?

Like I’ve gotta wonder if you hit a mortarium’d enemy with sinking deluge, does it take the gloom damage bonus/reduction into the stored damage and then throw on the sloth damage effect?

A better fit would probably be adding it to charge/poise teams.

limblorb schleeble deeble gleep glorp

blubbering toad as i hit him with the damage of 20 crits all at once:

don’t have don to test yet, but she seems interested

Yes, there’s probably a random korean or japanese limbus company youtuber who already did that. (There actually is I saw one, those lads are actually insane at the game and do so much crazy stuff like 30+ cycle rr2 or getting 100,000+ damage using time moratorium and almost every archetype)

Time moratorium is probably good on any team that can deal a lot of damage in a burst… which is basically every status effect team except for bleed or burn without glimpse of flames.

It seems to be a delayed +30% damage boost w/ sloth conversion which would be fairly good on any team. The only downside seems to be the opportunity cost of another identity within that archetype.

(Neither of these clips are mine but i just think theyre cool)

This is from the same guy who got 34 41 cycles in rr2:

Seems like literally any damage is absorbed by time moratorium. Rupture looks a bit buggy but works fine.

yo I just checked out what’s in rr4 and it is REALLY interesting

the main gimmick (btw there’s sections like from rr3 so that’s nice) is that you select 6 sinners to fight and 6 backup sinners. Backup sinners get a small sp bonus, and if a negative coin sp, a sp debuff. The way that this works is that your six sinners fight, but if one dies, then the first backup sinner replaces them for that fight. There’s also a buff all sinners get that removes sp loss on ally death.

oh right, rr4’s here.
We’ll see how it goes after i’ll get some sleep.

not yet, still a bit of a wait left

Did you just…read the patch notes for the above message? the gimmick is literally explained there.

yea sinking deluge + mortarium does a siht ton of damage LOL

I was getting ready to say something along the lines of “really, but she has no sinking application, wouldn’t it be a massive net negative??”

then I remembered I’m talking about a Rodya.