Limbus Company Gameplay Thread

:muscle: time mortarium my goat

I got jumpscared by this in RR4

pvp in limbus??

rr4 spoilers

(This rr is the biggest fuck you pm has ever done)

you don’t want ids to be nerfed? ok…

The Section 1 Struggle is real :speaking_head:
ngl my Burn team would trivialize this section with their clashing power, considering the fact that the first abno has alot of clashing involved for it’s gimmicks…
main problem of a burn team would be the fact that i cannot stall as well for wave 2 of section 1, since killing enemies spawns another one (which caused the end of one of my attempts, truly perfectly balanced with no issues whatsoever).
Section 2 on the other hand…yeah, peccatulum invidiae, the suffering continues.

limbus pvp was fun, most of my resets went to section 3 because god damn how fast do they go
i could’ve gotten lower if don didn’t sell on very important clashes (the fucking sheep i hate it i hate it i hate it)

oh yeah, i used pigrita, to nobody’s surprise. the speed ranges were basically begging me to use them

yeah people never realize how absurd the speed ranges on our ids actually are



How it feels to fight against the bus:

somehow I managed to get all the way to the end in only 91 turns lol.

I’m taking a break because I have to do like 6 resets each time for that bitch ass to not use the purge (skill 3 my ass)

why not just stagger him before he gets the attack out and kill him as quickly as possible?

You’re gonna have to do that… ALOT.

8 speed.

my fastest sinner’s top speed is 7

also this is turn 1

Anyways in that fight sinclair and heathcliff need to die and FAST.

In that fight I also used the time slow to handle ego spam.

i’ll finish this in like 2 months trust

My first run only took like 4 hours with a very unorganized team.

very slow clear, def gotta optimize but that sure as hell wont be any time soon

(i hate electric sheep)

to be honest i fought nelly lost one clash restarted :fire:
plus i dont really need the rewards as of right now

I hope they implement the backup mechanic into story content in some way.

Expect to lose some people in every single fight.