Limbus Company Gameplay Thread

Get your paper up

“yes i have been so afraid”

how the hell do people do this while still doing daily luxcavations and md

oh yeah btw uptie pequod yi sang to 4 immediately

“yes i have been so distant”

Nah, it was Brazen Bull - Tearful.He beat the shit out of Faust and Hong Lu (why is Hong Lu always bullied by these abnos?), they got staggered, and then had severe PTSD, but nobody died luckily.

Pequod Harpooner Heathcliff has bleed? too many choices, hard choices.

what’s the gist with Pequod Yi Sang? is he a OP bleed unit or something?

A little late with this post…but i have never been called based unironically.Usually…people have pretty finnicky character opinions when it comes to gaming fandoms…this might happen to the Forums, too, when more characters will come to AO.
I have had many problems with finnicky character opinions on a discord server that i was formerly in.

From what i’ve counted…there are roughly 11 identities which can bleed targets, and 9 which have charge (including R Corp and W Corp identities), that’s alot of options, and some look complicated, or just straight up OP.

Just realized that the wiki shows all of the identities at Uptie IV, took me too long to realize that.

He’s basically a tank unit who deals more damage the more health he’s missing (1% more for every 1% gone). His passive also gives him an offense and defense boost for whenever someone gets hit by an attack.

He has two envy (i think those are the purple ones) skills, so while he may not have a more diverse sin affinity as much as the others, his thrid skill does get better with more envy. He inflicts more bleed for how much health he’s missing. He also gains more poise the more his target bleeds.

(I’m pretty sure you can look at the max stats of units you don’t have in the “dispense” tab, next to the “extract”.)

He has bleed, but I think his main attraction is poise. His second skill allows him to reroll his second coin every time he gets a crit (a maximum of 3 rerolls, final power of 24 if everything lands heads & crits, a lot of bleed and stab wounds)

It’s fine. Just go with what suits you.


Yeah, i read his page on the wiki, probably if Pequod Ishmael used Aggro on him (somehow), it would allow him to speed up his potential power in-combat.

His skills gain aggro naturally, which is pretty good since he does have a counterattack for his defense (also has aggro)

damn, bro might be a better tank than Meursault.

speaking of, in a couple days the first meursault identity people might actually use in fights when there is any other logical choice is being added.

this next batch looks like they’re going to synergize unreasonably well with the pequod trio lol.

Wow, that’s good for me, atleast.

he’s a bleed + poise character like the pequod IDs.

his skill 3 also has really funny mechanics attached to it, no numbers have been given for it yet.
Stagger immunity until he does the attack, if he loses the clash, he uses a stronger attack after the enemy finishes their attack.

in the same batch there’s also a faust that’s going to apply a debuff that increases crit chance against the debuffed enemy that’s applied on literally all of her attacks when they crit.
(surely this won’t snowball out of control)

that’s gonna be the next meta :exploding_head: i bet.

Hmmmm…not sure what to do now while cooking the bleed build, more mirror dungeon, i guess?

I really need my anniversary decarollticket something along the name.

Whatever’s the floor 4 boss is about to be absolutely obliterated :exploding_head: .

Oh are you kidding me? Another new abno?

What is it’s gimmick? i am not sure if i am supposed to spam attacks at it or not, considering it keeps proccing engraved curse talismans.
Hopefully floor 4 boss abno won’t be that complicated.

nevermind, was able to beat it with lots of EGO + Giving it the London Treatment via 50 bleed stacks, bro bled itself out.
Onto the final floor…

who care about meta he looks cool af