List of all magic(51 magic)

isn’t the latter essentially confirmed, since curses are simply the purest manifestations of existing magic forms?

pretty sure storm is confirmed as well

as for ancients, electron and scorch

Yeah this is what i’d meant


where were any of these confirmed

Because when the full list of Lost and Ancient magic was removed, he left Storm, Electron, and Scorch as examples. They’re still there right now.


(challenge impossible)

As examples there is still a chance thy don’t get added

Idk they seem very specific, and the community likes both electron and scorch a lot so I think they might be official.

To re-enforce my point even further, in the lost magic examples, flare (confirmed to exist, iris uses it) is listed with storm magic, another popular magic wanted by the community. So by my logic, if flare exists and is being used as an example, then the others that became examples must exist too.

Ngl, diamond doesn’t seem like a bad idea in retrospect…

I mean it’s basically just crystal magics upgrade, this isn’t a crazy idea since pretty much every magic has a lost form that’s literally just the base magic but stronger

fire → flare
light → aether
shadow → darkness

and so on, also diamonds are one of the hardest substances on the planet so I assume this magic would have really good clash rates, and maybe even blind since depending on how well the diamond is cut, the light refraction can be absurd.

Petition to have diamond win almost every clash rate except for most ancient magics, magma, and acid?

actually it would win against acid too ngl

How come? I assumed there is some pretty nasty acids out there that could probably mess up even diamond

the acid that the magic closely resembles best is nitric acid, however, diamonds cannot dissolve in any acid, the carbon molecules are far too compact for the hydrogen ions in acids to break down the gemstone.

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Diamonds are a formidable foe, and they can devastate foes with :sparkles: style :sparkles:

Though magma could probably vaporize the diamond. :fr:

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WAIT WHAT :skull:

bro diamond might have the best clashes in the game at this point wth :sob: :scream: :bangbang:

lava can’t melt a diamond, but it may be able to burn a diamond given that diamonds are known to burn and lava is. uh . hot

someone’s been playing minecraft.

also a giant diamond blast could probably survive a magma blob given how built different some carbon molecules are god DAMN :skull:

no I’ve actually been watching nilered surprisingly

this is part of a larger video where he takes the carbon from these diamonds to make the world’s most expensive carbonated water

I mean… I wonder if pressure could beat diamonds…

Pretty sure they just sublimate into gas under specific conditions

diamond surprisingly shatters fairly easily. you can take a sledgehammer and smash it, but it is one of the hardest materials ever, meaning you can scratch almost anything using it and it won’t be damaged