Looking for extensive pvp training

Ikr that hurted my brain after reading that

There are so many flaws with this. Some people want to learn pvp and not just learn alone. Maybe some people actually need a tutor. It’s like saying you didn’t actually do school because you had a teacher dumbass. oml I actually cant put my thoughts into words

havent played wom in like 2 months bruh

actually sure ping me when ur on might as well unrust for no reason :grin:
il add u on discord i dont use this website

I just didn’t have you on there because I didn’t want the list too long. (Apparently it should’ve been shorter if Broly is not great like he claims.) In reality, I haven’t even fought most of the people on that list, I just assumed they were good from background knowledge, like Broly, Flare, and MrNormalbox. I know about you and Omega I just didn’t put you on the list because I didn’t want giant list that wasn’t necessary. Plus I’ve never seen you pvp as well. The only people I’ve pvped on that list was Brady (once) and Misinput (used a quad on me when I was half asleep and I died lol)

you ready?

coming from a skill issue i assume

Oh hi I was just about to mention how I’ve seen your pvp clips. I need to learn how to aim by holding down right click/just using the camera and not moving the mouse over the opponent. I also need to work on predicting. I’ve tried doing both of those methods for pve (minotaur) and I’ve somewhat improved but that’s minotaur and not players sooo yeah I just need more experience really

i havent been able to predict for 8 months, my wom pvp prime kinda gone



Are you ready??

yes im getting on rn

Ok i have 7 magics
plasma, acid, shadow, paper, water, Ice, and fire. would you like to start at plasma?

xevenant told me to dm him whenever I get on so I guess it will be both of you

also start with acid

Ok acid is on my main just look through my profile to find it while i find a good server

wow 1st try warp to me

you pvped with brady and myself a few weeks ago what u on

but do you know if omega is winning :face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow:
edit: nvm he knows

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he took some grass (real)

oh and I kicked brolys ass in front of you :trolI: