Lore drop thread(Sorta spoilers)

mages >= oracles > weapon users = martial artists


You forgot about martial artists’ true power…
Behold their supreme art!


I’ve stayed longer on the patreon than I had intended, but now it’s my time to go until I can secure a job. Come tomorrow I shouldn’t have access to the patreon chat, so I won’t be able to ask more questions and getting lore drops will be a lot harder for me. I’ve shot my last three questions and hopefully I can get an answer tonight and y’all will find said answers interesting. It’s sad, but a little freeing in a way as my curiosity can no longer make me spoil myself whenever it gets the better of me. I’ll still post everything I can find, and I’ll be happy if anyone else on the patreon or anywhere else they can find lore for that matter can keep posting here. It’s been fun and I’ve enjoyed the brief time I got to do this. I hope y’all enjoyed it too.


I’ll do my best to help keep up your work with anyone else who decides to do so :saluting_face:

also vetex was pretty quick in replying to your questions, and honestly that answer for #2 is pretty crazy

I wonder if it also works the other way around, with an elemental curse user absorbing an experimental curse? Cause then imagine Arthur absorbing a 5th curse :joy:


Alright last drop for y’all. One of these is actually really neat and allows for some crazy possibilities

I knew the last one was likely not gonna be true, but it was a fun idea that I thought I might as well ask. It would kinda bring up some questions for pre-fracture stuff, so I had already figured it couldn’t be the case that there were more experimentals than elementals.

There’d probably be way more spirit weapons if godly descendants could make spirit weapons so that makes sense.

The last one is really interesting I wonder if anything will be done with that.

Thanks man I appreciate it

Honestly it probably is possible the other way around, I can’t see a reason it wouldn’t be. The main reason I’d imagine it hasn’t happened is just cause there are so few experimental curses. Good news for anyone who wanted immortality but got the Nirvana curse, they still got a chance.

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Only one super curse user in the bronze sea

I’ll guess the Grand Admiral.
If he’s this big tough for the last sea’s story, and he’s being introduced in Nimbus, then he’s gonna have an extra superpower, especially since that’s how Cursebeard was.

i vaguely remember someone saying that Leviathan had both the Storm curse and something else

You can see her description on the non-story bosses card on the trello. She doesn’t have a curse just storm magic, lunar magic, and lightning magic. Though she is a reoccurring boss fight that’ll go through multiple seas so she might not have all three in the bronze sea.


vetex previously stated he wasnt even a high tier curse user, and wasnt even as strong as theos, so i heavily doubt it

storm, lunar and lightning magics
Edit: didnt see that follest had already answered

Get a load of this guy

I can’t believe stocksounds was right

Is he trolling or being fr

In hind sight it’s kinda obvious as the grand navy has access to all corners of the sea meaning they would be great at finding curses

Is this like level 25 chat or something? Either way that’s neat confirmation. Wonder what curses he’ll have.

ahhh so the king admiral is the supercurse user

this makes me start to think it may actually be the king admiral who participates in the big fight during nimbus

If he is than Vetex must’ve not been totally truthful about him being like “mid-high”. That or mid-high is a really wide range and being at the top of it gets you included in the strongest curse users of all time club?

its like the label “upper-middle class” i assume
he’s not at the actual peak of strength but he’s stronger than many powerful people in the war seas