Lore drop thread(Sorta spoilers)

(below images are talking about arthur now)

So I guess Durza’s fraudulence comes from the fact his curses had 0 synergy :person_shrugging:


“Blaze synergized well with tide”
what no, it’s fire-

bro’s just making steam with that blaze synergy, what’s he gonna do give me a third degree burn?

Erm it’s also lightning (?)

Yeah, that you can put out with water because it’s fire.

But it is conducted by water as its lightning

Well no, because fire underwater doesn’t work, and it’s also fire.

But lightning does

But it’s also fire, and fire doesn’t work underwater.

Yeah so it’s just magic that can become like lightning or fire depending on the user’s intentions

Greek fire:

Stock I understand where you’re coming from but I don’t think you can “but this doesn’t make sense!!” a dev of the game

You can’t just make Ice into Sand by intending it to be granular and warm.

It’s not like they invented physics.

I mean ice is a mineral and sand is small particles of minerals or rocks so snow is technically a type of sand (next question :yawning_face:)

Name what part of this violates physics

Fire underwater

That’s not physics it’s chemistry. The reason why water puts out fire is because it rids it of both heat and its ability to burn fuel. Magic can overcome both, hence “waterproofing” spells

Okay let’s clear something up, is Blaze fire that moves like lightning, lightning that looks like fire, or lightning that is on fire?

Yes (complete sentence)