Lore Wiki and unknown Wiki

no they aren’t 1 isn’t a thing it is literally a force ( only half of the unknowns are humans, every unknown 7 and up is human)

Oh ok. 1 is Chaos or something?

yeah :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

What’s 2 then?

2 is the creator of the universe i am pretty sure

11 is probably freedrock(i think i said his name right) knowing he never dies(he did 455 time and keeps coming back alive), indicating he will always be standing

that would make sense honestly good thinking

@Danny_ZouI It has some math most likely

i’m gonna be the 12th unknown cool kidz club

Gonna go off on a complete random tangent here:
If I was making the lore and created this image?
1 and 2 are at war.
7 has been freed by 1.
7 has killed 3.
11 is standing against 7.
It’s a simple result and is probably wrong. Would make for a great story tho.

torren will kill anybody that is human easily, techlevel said “torren is the strongest human to ever level” and if freedrock is 11 tech also said" torren can inf keep killing fredrock"

I think 1 and 2 freed 7, then 7 is coming home, 11 is standing there ,waiting to fight 7 and put him back in his place :sunglasses: :sunglasses: cool kidz club

and we are the 12 unknown. 7 to 3 .-.

In all honesty we don’t have enough data to figure out what this means so we can really only guess. Well I’m done using my brain.

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me waiting for tech and vetex to give a hint

alright so, here’s what i have

  • PK’s lowest possible level is 50k-80k (hades) and highest possible is 500k-1m (torren is stronger, likely lower due to gap in strength)
  • Freedrock and Hades are either the 9th, 10th, or 11th unknown since tech said Torren is the 7th unknown and the strongest out of the revealed unknowns, PK is 8th so we’re down to 9th, 10th, and 11th
  • Freedrock based on what we know from the AA webcomic (not sure if it’s canon though) and in-game (he just stood on that ice island for what we know) is a neutral force, and doesn’t take any big action. Since “11 is standing still,” it’s a good guess to say Freedrock is the 11th unknown.
  • All unknowns are at least level 15k+, so Freedrock must be at least 15k+
  • Trigno is lower than 15k
  • Unknowns past Torren aren’t humans, so unknowns #1-6 are likely gods
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should i make this into an 11unknown wiki or a lore wiki ill re edit everything @Cat_Bread

you could give it a shot and have stuff that we have so far and theories ig and whatever we figure out in the future

Just imagine the numbers be some sort of coordinate. It’d be funny to see that some Unknown are just in one isolated map doin nothin and it just wasted your time

time to start making this into a lore wiki/info

You should create a new topic for that. Don’t just edit this one.