Lost Magics have an official obtainment method, and it's bad news

The problem isn’t that you can’t have more than 3, it’s that your three will all end up just being some variation of something you already have.

You can no longer go from
Fire, Shadow, Ice
Life, Darkness, Ice

It has to be a variation on one of them, making it look more like
Fire, Scorch, Flare

get your damn QoL out of here

Presumably you might be able to change your first magic and not the other two to be able to actually have a variety of magics, but still it’s not the best.
That’s what I meant when I said that people would have a harder time choosing

I mean why would you choose light, shadow, and water when you want a lightning lost magic? Even so you could interchange your other magics or hecate essence your first magic to get the mutations you want

That’s not entirely the point though. That’s only half the issue.
I’m fine with it being something related, but it all comes down to the fact that you will keep your first magic. If you keep your first magic, and can only have 3, then you end up with two lost magics that take after your first magic, and not three unique ones.

It doesn’t say that you can’t change your first magic

Common stocksounds L



big win
fuck scrolls
not reading your arguments

Again this does not say first magics can’t be changed, this is closer to it saying “you aren’t locked in to your lost magic if it’s changed” than what you’ve said

There is ACTUAL stuff of vetex saying you can’t mutate first magic outside of this from much longer ago, and even that could’ve changed

Didn’t have to post about that. If you’re gonna ignore my points then at least do it right.

This directly states that you will not forget your base magic that you’re mutating.
If you can only have three magics, then you can only have one base, and two mutations of that one base, because that’s all that’ll fit into 3 slots.

This new information directly states that you keep the original one.

Honestly as long as it changes for us to pick any lost magic we want I’m cool with it

My brother in christ we already went over that, vetex will presumably let you mutate using your 2nd and 3rd magic instead of ONLY your 1st magic.

This would allow you to get any mutation you want in relation to ALL of the magics you have chosen.

Let me try another example.
You chose Water, Lightning, and Snow.

You could go Water, Lunar, and Whirlpool (doesn’t exist but I can’t think of another water mutation right now).
you could go Water, Storm, and Blizzard.

You might even be able to mutate your second/third magic twice even if it’s replaced so you could go from Light, Shadow, and Sand to Light, Darkness, and Sacrifice. Which is why it says you can’t forget your Base Magic, you just won’t be able to use it.

Given the example Vetex put on the trello it’s going to be magic-dependent
Hectate essence was an omen for what is to come

Dark water (diarrhea magic)

That doesn’t make sense! If you mutate fire and overwrite water, you still can’t make Lunar from Fire.

Can you show an example of that? You brought out an example without any context or relation to my examples

Base is literally the term to refer to the normally available magics you get, not just your first :sob:

hes not wrong… PLEASE stfu for once or im gonna crash out

Jee wizz, jackass, I know.