Lost Magics have an official obtainment method, and it's bad news

That goes completely against our new information though. It states that when you mutate a magic, you don’t lose it. If the gameplay goes against that, it’s classic Vetex funny moments, but we can’t just assume that.

I’m just trying to bring a flaw in this new system to attention, do you have to kill me over it?

Ping vetex
And find out


But why not? Vetex goes against lore constantly to have certain gameplay mechanics

If you’re so keen to official information, why don’t you do it?

You’re just saying “Nuh uh you can’t do that” to every argument

Well if everything could just be straight up wrong, what’s the point in thinking at all?

For discussion Idk? You made the post

Well I’m not doing that.

someone (me) should make a list on what magics will mutate into what
(if i am procrastinating homework i might as well be doin somethin)

You’re not doing discussion? Yeah I’m out of here before I get banned for something I say

You the one speaking
You do it
And I dont wanna deal with the horrors

Please don’t act intentionally dumb on my threads :kissing_heart:


full sentence

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Are there any mods online right now so I can have this deleted? It’s just turned into an insult contest.

wtf would sand, acid, and magma mutate into, im at a loss for those

Well theres obviously a reason, youve recieved several criticisms and you have still done nothing to change yourself… ive even seen JTN and people in the patreon chat call you annoying so you know its bad

if you dont change soon youre gonna live a life without friends… sorry

Sand Fire, Acid Lightning, and Magma Lightning.

They would probably have mutates of the two magics that mutated into them, so sand would have earth and wind, acid would have water and maybe poison(?), and magma would have fire and earth