Lost Magics have an official obtainment method, and it's bad news

The forums if we could vote to remove one problematic person per week:

You’re literally ignoring my entire post just because “stock opinion bad”

Stocksounds not gonna leave without being scathed :sob:


I can’t even try to be normal, half of the replies will just be people coming in like “sigh… stock is being negative again :yawning_face:

And youre ignoring my entire point, i mean why did you even bother making a post asking “why does everyone hate me” and proceed to completely ignore it and continue to be a cunt

I listened, I just can’t do anything else.

I considered every word in that post, even the ones that were entirely destructive criticism, and I still can’t do anything without being “that guy”

Then im afraid its over for you

How I feel deleting an entire rant post on StockSounds


quicksand, fulgurite, mud

maybe the sewage water from makrinaos

no clue

Here’s a little idea. Maybe don’t come to my posts just to encourage people to not listen what I have to say because I’m me.

LMAO people were already not listening to you i just joined in

You got criticized on by other forumers what

Idk man
Probably just you

ima assume they just aint revealed yet and leave blank spaces, vetex said 40 lost magics and we only got like 15-17 revealed

I didn’t say exclusively one person did that.

15-17? i thought it was more like 6

You must accept thine criticism
Your life here is easier if thy do
(Like if anyone had a life here to begin with)

“I wield the lost magic known as quicksand!”
“Isn’t that just san-”
“How about you shut your fucking mouth before I drown with sand”

also heat magic but thats not here

It doesn’t matter how much I try to take criticism, somebody will come in and be like “guys no, it’s stock, his opinion is invalid, remember?” and everyone will listen.

that is SO old :sob:
some of it is accurate but i wouldnt say its a good list