Mage - Everything you need to know


Thats the best, second is to shoot magic out of a crystal ball that floats infront of you

Why shoot something from a ball when I can shoot from a fuckin G U N

Cause try comparing a bolt of pure magma vs a bullet, a normal bullet

Yea but magma moves at the speed of a snail while bullets move pretty damn fast

then simply use beam

easy dodge + not good in dmg

I mean magma’s damage helps with it + double beam increasing damage and AoE

yea, might also get a crystal ball in case it looks cool

I shoot faster

You’ll be in endlag like me

dodge then shoot

I haven’t read all of the messages so idk if someone has pointed this out yet, but for any none full 100% magic stat believers, you don’t need to waste points in vitality, just wear tanky armor.

In endlag?

out of endlag

You’ll still be hit in endlag tho

you got longer endlag

That doesn’t change the fact you get hit :moyai: This was about “I shoot faster”

no i dash out of your attack and hit you
