Mages need a nerf

So the cone thing is gone?

Got 3 shot by a mage as a knight and I couldn’t do jack shit since he kept shooting barrages of giants projectiles at me.

And it happened like 3 times in an hour by 3 different peoples.

That why I’m saying that maybe mages need some nerfs on some levels (especially when a light mage do more damage than the average fire mage).

that sounds so false but whatever you say

I got a clip tho I can’t upload it since the forum dont accept the format of the video

They’re not bad but tbh they definitely need some fixes because they are easily the most broken moves in the game.

and when I say broken, I don’t mean overpowered, I mean literally broken, as in malfunctional.

could you elaborate?

Got chase by a light/glass mage and I just couldn’t escape that mf because he just kept shooting barrages of phoenix shaped light blast, which were pretty big.

And light normally doesn’t inflict high damage but he probably had a shit ton of power

I also couldn’t attack him since each time I was shooting one projectile (weapon) he just has to either cast projectile barrages, meteors or light surge.

I could beat them if the game didn’t get lag bombed by every attack they do. I run lowest settings on a good pc and the magic attacks almost crashed Roblox.

uhh i just aim it at them? you need to be close to them. the grab animation doesnt really match up with its true hitbox duration so its easy to overestimate

Good news, mage’s giant undodgable unpunishable damage cone is getting nerfed

It’s dogable and punishable, just not easily so.
I do agree that it needs some nerfs, but the damage dropoff nerf is too much…

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nah mages need a buff tbh

Then I will be happy to try to fight mages that shoot blasts of the size of pall town.

sad savant noises

and Fighting builds need Rushdown back

FR. I keep trying to use it and feel immense disappointment when it just does like 60 damage on impact and doesn’t start the barrage.

I miss my funni Iron Leg kick barrage.


I miss infinite weapons to moves, tho the grabs on them weren’t really good to start with

Not so occasionally for me

Remember what they took from you