Mages need a nerf

Bait used to be believable

Magic speed scaling bug fix in never

mages shouldn’t be nerfed at all, in fact they should be buffed (especially magma and fire specifically)


lol, lmao

Nerf thermo

Nerf Juggernaut

Nerf warlord frfr

99% sure those don’t have grabs

dagger has spiraling fury, i don’t think the others have any though

Spiraling Fury is not a grab

it isn’t?

It’s a dash move

I was replying to his paragraph about grabs being ass and half the weapons being useless, so it all got mashed up
Added a semicolon to show difference

Its like vindicator’s crushing judgement but with a different hitbox
Honestly more comparable to a fstyle crash than that
Bro how do you not know basic shit like that and argue that weapons suck

When did i say weapons suck? That’s literally the second post i made in this topic, the first one being related to the exact same thing

Oops i mixed you up with op
You are both green amd have a short name

fire? what did fire ever do wrong?

I’m just saying that because that’s my build lol

Get fucking better
Weapons in the current meta can hold their grounds against Mages and Warlocks, and most fights end in Warrior victory, all the stats you need as a warrior is Power and Defense, because all your skills are either already too big or too fast to feel any actual change when you shove in substats
You just suck at the game really god damn hard

warrior is good but this guy runs knight lol