Magic Elementals (Open Art Collab)

Don’t worry about it, it seems it can take many forms



Oh, by the way, I drew a concept piece of a fire elemental. The reason why I choose a jinn was that they are associated with fire and they are Arabian mythological beings. The last part relating to being a Savarian.

I know you are avoiding humanoids but a cool idea/advice is to think of the different cultures. Also, you could make your own elemetals or creatures.

The Jinn is a cool idea for more lenient boundaries than mine (again, sorry I’m so picky but I’m grateful for the help), but I’ve also included Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Greek (a lot), Native American (Central + Northern), and European mythos. If I find something Arabian or other that fits I’ll certainly add it.

Aye no worries. I’m pretty tired but if I got any more ideas I’ll share them here

Thank you! That’s very much appreciated ^-^

What about Cherufe?

i actually remembered that i wanted to do this mythical/ancient animal summons that related to the starters, and i had a notepad of it but just didnt decide to save it ig
weird because one of these i had on it but they werent on the same side pretty much, like i had hydra on water and just decided to look up this one mythical animal that was related to ink, can produce it or something idk
but i did get the basilisk on the poison one, very easy cus its the most poisonous mythical creature

yes yes. King snek is too high and mighty to even spare you a glance (unless you’re a weasel)

Also cockatrice is just basilisk but chicken (also she breathe fire no venom, so double symbolism for heat)

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I kinda think a Manticore would fit better for Poison Magic. Cause it has a stinger a stuff.

But Basilisks are ultra-venomous (it’s extremely potent), plus Cockatrices and Basilisks are very similar like Ash and Poison are. Manticore would be cool tho.

Wood Magic: A deer??

Plasma Magic: A giant sentient glowing star

Glass: maybe a butterfly with wings that constantly reflect stuff?

Plasma magic is a bit too out-there, but I’ll add the butterfly. Someone already said Deer for wood in my disc server but you’ll get cred for the butterfly

I have spent an hour hyperfocusing on creature suggestions please bear with me. I hope you like the suggestions.

Fire Magic: Maybe a flame moth? The designers at Gamefreak drew up the pokemon, Volcarona, based on an assembly of motifs and images, such as Mothra, the Atlas moth, “moths to a flame” etc.


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Paper Magic: Some kind of wasp/hornet. Paper wasps do exist in real life and are named for the paper-like texture of their nests. Many wasps in fact make their nests out of a pulp like structure. There are a lot of ways to go about designing a Paper-specific elemental wasp, but that’s best left up to you!

Ink Magic: Maybe base this creature off of something like the Kraken, but especially emphasizing its capacity to produce ink. Cephalopods are the only kinds of animals out there that naturally produce ink.

Shadow Magic/Light Magic: Owls have occupied different positions across time and culture related to knowledge and prophecies (good and bad). This webpage goes into exhaustive detail the ways owls have been portrayed. The other reason I recommend the Owl for Light/Shadow magic is because I see you have the Moon Rabbit for Light Magic. An important governing principle for both magic and ecology is that creatures interact with each other. Owls and rabbits have a predator prey relationship because in real life they exist in the same ecological food webs, a feature you can incorporate into your art as a motif.

Plasma Magic: Hard because plasma only occurs in really specific conditions. But it may as well be colorful. I have several suggestions. The Pistol shrimp, the Mantis shrimp, or the Bobbit worm. I have attached several pictures as reference for each respectively. These creatures are all frightening, but sadly pistol shrimp is the only one of the three that can make plasma in real life. Don’t let that limit your imagination tho. Make an unholy combination of all the three LOL.

Pictures from top to bottom: Mantis shrimp, pistol shrimp, bobbit worm

Pistol Shrimp fun fact

DID YOU KNOW. The Pistol Shrimp is a sea creature that generates so much force that it shoots out a bubble in the ocean. When that bubble collapse in a near instant, it creates so much pressure and heat that you get plasma for a brief moment. GUN SHRIMP is really cool, but it might not look special enough for plasma magic. Have no fear. The Mantis Shrimp is a related species


Pistol shrimp has a gun.
Mantis shrimp is a boxer who can liquify your bones at mach speed if it were human sized.
Bobbit worm is an eldritch abomination with jaws strong enough to tear apart fish that wander into its jaws.

These are great ideas! I love your suggestions for Plasma specifically (pistol and mantis shrimps are mega chads). Also yeah . . . Bobbit freaking horrifying

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I present to you the Bobbit Sea Scorpion: Is a Bobbit Worm with two claws that act as fists. The fists are so powerful that they emit plasma shockwaves at the bottom of the ocean. It’s strategy is to catch prey in its jaws and vaporize them with Mike Tyson esque punches.

This dude’s coming for Cthulu