Make horrible ideas for AO

JailTime for everyone, being defeated gets you 10 minutes in the new Bounty Cells at the assasin syndicate. ofc no one can break into them so ofc you have to pay the ransom

sub-elements that are unlocked at higher levels

at a very high magic level, you would be able to create spells of a “new” element that branches off of your magic element of choice. this “sub-element” would be somehow akin to the base element but have different stats and effects

ex. if you use wood magic, you would unlock paper magic as a sub-element of it

this is different from lost/ancient magics and closer to mutations, but sub-element magics will not take up a magic element slot, instead these spells will exist within the same magic slot as the base element

this is a terrible idea because it makes absolutely no sense in practice

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When an explosion user uses pillar explosion there is permanent radiation in the blast radius.

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carina’s dead? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: are you a necrophile?

I wanna be a necromancer so I can make an army of zombies to go and buy snacks for me at the asian market


The longer you play the more frostmill island melts and sea levels rise while the dark sea expands into the bronze sea causing extreme earthquakes, tsunamis, and extinction. due to magic pollution.

you can pay 30,000,000 robux to clear the dark sea entirely across all servers permanently.

sex magic

every 5 hours the game randomly assigns one person between all servers as a hider and everybody else regardless of their server is a seeker. if the hider leaves the game then they get their save wiped immediately. if the seekers find the hider before 5 hours pass then the hider gets their save wiped. if the hider manages to hide for a full 5 hours then all seekers get a bowser revolution and get their galleons split evenly between them

wow this is actually an amazingly evil idea for ruining the game

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frostmill actually does drift around the map now
and can go into the dark sea


but it still sounds like a good idea if implemented (though it does feel weird to implement)
my take: what if diffrent spell slots could use diffrent variations (imagine a crystal user using the entire rainbow)

hear me out, giant giant bananas on shell island

amazing suggestion

fuck outta here

Killing a human NPC or player can have them drop “Raw long pig” which can be made into “Cooked long pig.” Works like other meat items when added to any other ingredients. It’s pretty much cannibalism.

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Make Savant OP at level 1000 by giving them access to all moves from every class and a flat 25% damage increase
(Their Pulsars also have a +100% pulse range)

Psychedelic mushrooms you can cook to make your screen fade between rainbow colors.

me with 60+ deaths

Sandal you know we already have a trello for that man