Massive L

Wait it’s a toggle?

So people are bitching over nothing huh. Different people want different things, let them have different things if it’s possible.

Also what’s the point of fighting over something so small, can’t we all be calm and all. People talk about how other communities suck and we’re over here beating eachother over the head about player markers

Player marker haters:
Getting lost is fun
Also them:
People who get lost are skill issues

The compass is more fun to use
Also them:
Why would I use this if I have a player marker


A toggleable player marker at that (apparently, haven’t tested it but just putting the disclaimer here so this thread doesn’t kill me limb for limb)

They shouldn’t exist at all

Originally thought it was an “L change” but even with a compass you can completely veer off course if you get into ship battles, and the player marker helps with that massively
Even with the marker I still use the compass to orient (and you still need to use it for treasure charts ngl)


Y’all are a very loud minority.


Only on the forums will you find a discussion so heated over something so minor :sleeper:

I’m among the ones who voted “Add back the marker.”

Not because I “can’t read a compass”, but because it is a net positive change for the entire playerbase, more people will like the game. Seeing in night/fog is hard and next to impossible on low end computers (I have a good computer), but the marker helps you know where you are when you’re in that situation. You don’t have to stare at the map because you move relatively slow. You STILL have to know your N E S W if you want to go anywhere and use the compass to re-orient yourself. Navigation did not become completely braindead due to this change. I’d rather have a player marker than placeable markers. THAT would make the navigation braindead.

There is nothing wrong with making the game more accessible to those who don’t stalk the trello like you and I. Remember that the average age of Roblox’s playerbase is 12.

A map marker is such a stupid thing to be elitist about and this post is a Rare forums L. I’m sorry.


body seems unclear, is it a complete whatever?

Damn I missed that reply, thought I read the entire argument post by post.

Anyways, if you want challenge, turn it off. No one is forcing you to use it.

Also the suggestion for a grid-based map that only shows your general area is cool and is a good compromise.

Player marker is static when you open your map, only refreshing when you re-open the map.

If people don’t want the marker they can just turn it off, it’s not a big deal at all

We need more people like you on the forums. Explanation is good, not truly insulting anyone. Beautiful

My friend who has not yet played arcane odyssey told me that those opposed to the marker being added are stupid

light mode

I’m fine with there being no marker but my main issue is with the fact that nighttime is like walking around with a blindfold on, fog I’m fine with, it’s meant to be hard to see it, rain… maybe, but most of the traveling is done with boats and half the game takes place at night, meaning you can’t do crap half the game.

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true but there should be a choice whether or not to have it, so the that both the sweat drinkers and crayon eaters can be happy.

Yeah, straight up - sometimes when it turns to night and I’m not too confident in my direction I’ll just park the ship and fish until daytime

I don’t believe I’ve given my comment on how to solve the issue, personally I think a nice medium would be a semi-common item that one could get that would show their location for ~3-5 seconds with a cd of 2-5 minutes so it can help people during the night and aid those who are just bad at navigating as well

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Except the issue is so beyond solve, people who don’t want the marker can choose not to have it, and vice versa
Elitists just want to complain because “mah realism”


bros acting like a compass isn’t just “what way the red needle is pointing at” and that a compass takes skill