Mirage's doodle thread

That’s the case for most online tests

Grey may be overpowered but he is still some random ahhh sailor in the middle of the sea

If you’ve had the chance to play the recent update yet, ignoring the terrible bugs and the somewhat lacking content, what are your thoughts on what was there?

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Just completed it! Sorry I was radio silent for a whole day, was busy on friday.

I do like how they’re utilizing the environments more in quests, and said environments are much more unique and diverse in comparison to the Bronze Sea. I was expecting a LITTLE bit more content, but I don’t wanna complain

Overall, The Nimbus Sea looks vey promising.

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I lost 3 sunken items, so my enjoyment was hampered a lot by that, but the story content, for what little there was of it, was pretty fun and much more interesting than what came before it.

Its a pretty meh update, but I’m coping the best I can and I’ve actually enjoyed doing the treasure hunting(minus the ones in Sameria’s dunes, those are near impossible).

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Aw man that sounds terrible :((( I’m so sorry!!

I haven’t encountered any bugs to my knowledge, but if something dissappeared from my inventory I probably wouldn’t have noticed :sob: I dont have any valuable gear cause i never feel like grinding :skull:

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Yeah I am never playing on release again after this, but at least it was just the weapons and not the armor

in apologies for my absence i offer you all…

:sparkles: H E R :sparkles:


she is actually so pretty i love her omg

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I need her so badly.

She’s so pretty in this picture!




cause same

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fight me in nimbus


Chicken chicken nimbus dinner

brainstorming new possible oc ideas

its so incredibly difficult for me to create new characters with nothing to go off of :sob:

edit: naming this lil goober lucille starboard (cause i love my stupidly punny names)


she’s so incredibly silly

i actually havent figured out if i want them to be a girl, boy, or a third secret thing (ik lucille is a feminine name but shhhhhhhh)

would be funny if they were a guy who tries so hard to convince others he is a dude by playing up a macho stereotypical sailor facade like the people he grew up around (and fails miserably at it)

ah fuck I forgot those are possibilities, mb.

nah ur good, its not like u got anything wrong cause they’re still kinda formulating in my mind

plus i cant blame you, just look at them :skull:

ah, right.
the appearance really do give the feminine impression.

head angle throwing me off but amazing none the less