Mirage's doodle thread


Madafa morden bein Sansnas

even MORE abyss sea concepts, including that one creepy ass infected calvus i mentioned

edit: forgot julian, as one should


oh what the fuck
Calvus is frightening

the valley got too uncanny, now i cant sleep

Iā€¦ Sure do feel that rn.
Like, Calvus is so uncanny my brain is downright refusing to remember him.

Please consider taking a break so you can get sleep.

every time i zoom out of the file and see him in the corner i get jumpscared :skull::skull:

have been taking a couple breaks from drawing, but i think im gonna get another art topic for this au done over the weekend :+1:

Well, uhā€¦ Haveā€¦ Funā€¦?

The mutants just reminds me of

definitely trying to get a bit of an analog horror vibe here, though might change that later on cause it doesnt rlly fit the atlantean vibe

but for now, u all get these monstrosities until i get better at monster design

never heard of it, gonna check it out (and hopefully get some new horrific inspiration)

Oh no, bud is probably going traumatized by the weird game bro-

agreed, the game isnā€™tā€¦wellā€¦for AO Forum standards to begin with.

The gameā€™s 21+ and is banned in several regions of the globe.

Donā€™t think itā€™s good for Mirage to play the game to begin with, let alone be recommended it.

I suppose there are much better, friendlier sources of monster design that you can find on the internet.

yknow what i just read the content warnings and i think ur right :skull:

Yea the game isnā€™t really for uh, most people Iā€™d say.
There is the censored mod though if you want to try that.

eh, dont rlly play games, so probably wouldve just searched it up and have that be the end of it

ty for the concerns nevertheless :+1:

his eyes

hes in the public domain now, disney cant come after me!!!

nah fear and hunger is peak
it inspires me to be brutal when writing


Iā€™m serious, Mirage, itā€™s the kind of thing that makes it legitimately hard to sleep for days on end. You ever have something you regret looking up? Something you know you shouldnā€™t have? This is one of those things. If you donā€™t know about it, youā€™re better off for it.

I made the joke thinking you knew about it. Which, in hindsight, isnā€™t something I should be assuming.