Mirage's doodle thread

What was the point of doing that if you knew that Mirage didn’t play the game and could give them trauma for months?

Yeah wouldn’t recommend doing that again, for the safety and sanity of the Forums.

Yeah, that was bad judgement on my part. Especially seeing as I of all people should know that curiosity is not a good thing to have on the internet.

Like the saying goes:Curiosity killed the cat.

Yeah, except in this case, a joke I made could have actually hurt somebody. I really didn’t think that one through, especially seeing as I myself knew how knowledge of that thing could affect somebody.

It’s weird, I unironically hate the game for existing—like, genuinely think it doesn’t deserve to exist. To the point where I actually hate the creator for making it. Yet I have an urge to joke and talk about the blasted thing.

yeah. no.

Fear & Hunger is really fucking bad for someone to see. I’m fuckin’ 19 and I can’t stand its concepts. (And I only know some of its horror and despair, and not much else)

for the few monster designs I’ve seen too…
Just… Use some of the demons from Shin Megami Tensei for a reference point? Not too different, despite being quite distinct (and nowhere near as horrifying)

Ah yes, F&H, the one game that the dev saw that it was absolutely necessary to give enemies “stingers”

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Needed that extra target for even more rpg maker spaghetti code

I’d like to formally apologize, @Mirage . I wasn’t thinking when I did that joke, and didn’t consider that doing so could cause serious harm (which, in retrospect, scares me, as I know from personal experience even secondhand knowledge of the game can be scarring)

Everyone here is absolutely correct—I’m regards to F&H, the less you know, the better. It’s beyond twisted, and into territory that’s simply not for everyone. Perhaps not even for any sane person.

I think this is a sign I should step back from the internet for a bit. I still can’t believe I was that thoughtless just to make a repeated joke.

You’re probably just tired, just sleep some more than normal

You aren’t wrong, but I just straight up broke a forum rule. That’s not okay, regardless of the context.

A slap on the wrist and that’s the end of it, everyone slips up sometimes. Just get some rest, one mistake isn’t the end of the world

I apologize for the rudeness, but given the topic, punishment absolutely would be appropriate. If you’re lucky enough to not know about it, F&H is absolutely and utterly vile. It’s literally banned in several countries because of the content. I don’t mean that the governors have political disagreements with the game (like Russia making Miitopia 18+ for having “gay relationships”, or China for banning everything from Japan), what I mean is the stuff in the game can be actually scarring.

I just joked about a game which literally is too much for most strong, stable adults, to an individual and forum of an age I did not know. That, under no circumstances, is okay.

Yea, slap on the wrist and that’ll be the end of it.
Besides, unless you specifically went into uh, not really safe sites, I doubt you’d find any of the actual scarring stuff on the internet randomly.
Or if, for some reason, you immediately went to the wiki of the game or something instead of the steam page.
Now again, just go rest for a bit, you already know to not make the same mistake again, don’t worry about it.

slide me the game
update: too broke to afford game will get soon
update: i am not getting this game bruh theres so much wieners everywhere :skull: :skull:

I couldn’t sleep for several days after learning about this game on YouTube. Was it censored? Yes, kind of. But the base ideas, premise, etc, still can easily scar you. Censorship only works if you can’t infer what is behind the censor.

I can’t tell if this is a joke or if you made the grave mistake of actually looking the game up. If it’s the latter, then I’m terribly sorry you went through that.

na i looked it up
doesnt look too bad

Gonna warn you now: like the game itself, information regarding it will drive you to understand it. Please do not continue to look up more if you have any issues at all with depictions of genuine suffering. You will find it, and it can easily scar you.

Sorry for late response, took a nap @Gamehero14

Just wanna say that i totally dont hold anything against you, I believe it’s an honest mistake, and i don’t think you deserve punishment. I am old enough to be able to judge whether a piece of media is appropriate for me or not, and that’s what I did, and that was the end of it.

Though I do know that that isn’t the case for a lot of much more younger/impressionable users on the internet, so I would recommend putting warnings when recommending any media to someone that you know deals with difficult topics.

Cut yourself some slack right now – don’t want to see you tiptoe around the forums or this AU after this, as i do genuinely enjoy yours and everyones input and replies, they make my day

take it easy, alr