Mirror Shards

Mirror Shards
effort 5.0 10 quality 5.0 10 reasonability 4.777777777777778 9

Mirror Shards

Mirror Shards, or fragments are a boss drop dropped by each boss respectively, They are toggleable items in the inventory that when activated, make their corresponding boss more difficult (Modifiers, attack patterns) Etc.

These drops would serve the purpose of

A.) Increasing boss replayability. Some people find fun in fighting bosses like iris, or shura, or Argos. In later game these don’t feel like bosses and more like curb stomps and the only way to replay them in a fun way is to go on another slot.

B.) Increase in drop rate. Unlike WoM, AO has REALLY merciful drop rates, however some people still complain about these rates, Fighting a "Reflected’ (The name for boss when activated) Boss would increase the drop rates (I.E: Calvus Drop rates go from 1/10 → 1/2). This provides an incentive and reward for taking up the challenge. There should also be something preventing others from cheesing the mirrored boss such as if another player is fighting a mirrored boss, They can die once or twice before they are kicked out of fighting them again/ for the remainder of the fight

Extra notes:

Normal player’s cannot interact with mirrored bosses, When a mirror is activated for a boss, the entire fight should be CLIENT SIDED or ONLY apply to other people with that boss mirror activated

Mirrors are dropped by killing a boss in a certain time limit or flawless’ing them. (EX: To get an Iris mirror, you must kill iris in 15 seconds or less, to get an Argos mirror, you must kill him in 45 seconds or less, To get a calvus mirror, you have to kill him in 1.5 minutes or less)


actually sick


wait does that mean wom’s drop rate system doesnt exist in ao? Cuz wom bosses also had a 1/10 drop rate

but cool idea

Wait really i thought it was much higher :fr:

well yes and no
if youre soloing a wom boss its 1/10
if youre duoing one and both of you deal 50% of the boss’s hp then its 1/20

oh ic (istg the wiki used to say 1/50 :fearful: )

1/50 is for a specific exiled drop, same for a specific calvus drop

suggestions reopened? also neat idea

can’t forget you only found WoM bosses to begin with after they spawned usually as far away from you specifically as possible.

man I love pounding carina into dust by spamming pulsar

mirror shards sound like an awesome idea tho


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I am literally going to firebomb your house


caught in 480p

This sounds like it’ll be fun to do bosses

As most bosses we learn the same patterns over and over but this will like fix a lot with a bosses a difficulty being easy like Argos, hes fun but I feel like he can get shredded way to fast.

I like this, I want to fight a harder carina/iris + it would make grinding for earlier game boss drops easier and more fun.

Imagine if vetex adds the corruption system to AO :sob:

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yeah this is a good idea

only issues I see is maybe a lore issue but I mean hey it’s not too hard to shove into the lore somewhere

We already fight our imagination to steal peoples clothes, I don’t see how it would be too much of a lore issue


that’s an odd way of putting it

but fair enough

I made a joke suggestion for ex bosses in off-topic, but this seems like a much better, more reasonable, and more thought out version of that. And far more balanced lmao.

Though it could take development time away from new content, there’s no real reason not to add this. It’s optional, challenging, rewarding, and increases replayability. Cheese prevention is a valid concern though, mainly with argos since you can kill him by trapping him in the room he burst out of when you first fight him.

Also, should there be exclusive drops for defeating these bosses? (i.e Lions Halberd → Mirrored Lion’s Halberd) Or just an increased drop rate for the already existing ones?