Mirror Shards

Mirror Shards
effort 5.0 10 quality 5.0 10 reasonability 4.777777777777778 9

caught in 480p

This sounds like it’ll be fun to do bosses

As most bosses we learn the same patterns over and over but this will like fix a lot with a bosses a difficulty being easy like Argos, hes fun but I feel like he can get shredded way to fast.

I like this, I want to fight a harder carina/iris + it would make grinding for earlier game boss drops easier and more fun.

Imagine if vetex adds the corruption system to AO :sob:

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yeah this is a good idea

only issues I see is maybe a lore issue but I mean hey it’s not too hard to shove into the lore somewhere

We already fight our imagination to steal peoples clothes, I don’t see how it would be too much of a lore issue


that’s an odd way of putting it

but fair enough

I made a joke suggestion for ex bosses in off-topic, but this seems like a much better, more reasonable, and more thought out version of that. And far more balanced lmao.

Though it could take development time away from new content, there’s no real reason not to add this. It’s optional, challenging, rewarding, and increases replayability. Cheese prevention is a valid concern though, mainly with argos since you can kill him by trapping him in the room he burst out of when you first fight him.

Also, should there be exclusive drops for defeating these bosses? (i.e Lions Halberd → Mirrored Lion’s Halberd) Or just an increased drop rate for the already existing ones?


maybe if you enable all of them you get a cool vanity version of the gear but I doubt there should be special “better” gear for this, it’s a refight

Fair :+1:

Funnily enough that was actually apart of my inspiration to write this :laughing:

I mean hopefully by the time vetex adds this the cheese for bosses are removed/ patched or something like that, Not much can by done there to prevent cheese without making the boss fight more of a hassle I guess :person_shrugging:

Nah, the incentive should be more of just wanting a REAL challenge/ increase replayability and just giving people the item they want, Let’s say you are CRACKED at doing Ellius but he won’t drop that damn spear, you can rely on using the mirrors and build more skill instead of mindlessly spam pulsar for 30 minutes straight until you get a drop. AT MOST it would be vanity like WW said

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Wait so does this mean that the AO MC is a schizophrenic?

i think its just because memory loss and it just means our mind is in pieces from the experiments so we can remember weird things idk

so are the clothes we wear figments of our imagination and if you wear only boss drops as vanity your character looks naked to NPCS?

you get stat bonuses from it so no

I think mirages are just weird lore shit

you’re a threat, dubious.

the workings of this are so confusing

maybe it’s like your magic energy manifesting itself again as a traumatic event?

I don’t think beating the shit out of iris is “traumatic”

well like

idk maybe it fuses with the energy of the bosses and manifests their leftover energy floating around with your energy and that’s what makes a mirage

but that doesn’t explain how drops are made…

In lore we most likely get all the drops the first time we fight them, similar to elden ring. But since it’s an mmo drop rates exist, so the mirage stuff was just added to show us ‘re-living/reimagining the fight’