Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Mages are going to say that this is peak gameplay and perfectly balanced (it’s stronger than pulsar on release)

if only we had custom spell names so i could hit my opponent with that “OBAMEHAMEHA!!!”

i made a thread discussing this in case anyone is interested

New leaks have suggested that Tucker’s full name is Tucker Z. Arcane and Morden’s is Morden Undtod.

Oh shi, let me fix it real quick to be lore accurate

no notifications :frpensive:

We’ll have to duel (I got my Biden blast charged up)

me when nobody is on discussion thread

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dense halberd crushing judgment mfers

these edibles aint s

so the spirit weapon is probably not tucker’s

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AHA! I knew it! It’s MC’s! And it seems to be connected to their past…

Well, it seems THAT important to them that its literally the the only thing they remember, interesting…


Big W for everyone who fought to death saying that it is MC’s property.


I still wonder, if Vetex will choose the canon build for our character (or atleast confirm tech’s words about lightning savant).

Honestly, I hoped for Tech to not give any details like Vetex did, so we don’t bias over one build. But since it happened, I hope for Vetex to refute Tech’s words to leave this question in mystery.

Theyre kinda a Savant according to Vetex (not Tech). My interpretation in lore is that MC’s progress is actually gradual throughout the story, rather than learning multiple things at once from the very beginning.

Like, in Bronze Sea, they only focused on using magic because its the only ability that seemed innate with them, and were told of it from the start. Then, in Nimbus Sea, they learn of Spirit Energy and Spirit Weapons, and will start using those abilities from there, and so on and so forth.

They just gradually gain new abilities and skills over time, oppose to learning multiple all at once. Its how they gained an advantage over Calvus, he rushed things, MC wont.

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Yeah, lorewise probably it is. But in gameplay reality we cannot make our progress canonical this way. It’s impossible due to awakenings locking away other stats investment.


probably their parents or something idk

I mean, thats exactly what ‘Patrimony’ means. Its an inherited property through one’s father/male ancestor. But I think its got to do more with their lineage from the Gods.

Its interesting, really, as an Eagle is more or less so associated with Zeus than Poseidon… and the last time Tech used any symbolism, it was supposed to be linked to Olympus and Zeus apparently.

maybe their parents were oracles (oracles in ancient Rome talked to gods so it kinda makes the demigod theory make sens)
and oracles use spirit weapons