More New Forum Leaders

He’s already at school? :fr:

Australian shork

Wow, I can’t believe he’s upside down compared to the rest of the world


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Mako be like

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Yay, more ppl to kill when the revolution happens.

You gonna fight acid(painful)
Inferno itself
A savage wind
Collosal titan but shark
And i think uvadin is a demon

Just realized that 3 of the new leaders are the names of elements.

We kinda already know how to kill Maco so the others should be easy but shhhh

it was well deserved.

:vulcan_salute:t2: :frcryin:

Mako will be like

This is a joke not a death threat please do not ban me.

…ayo i don’t know if planning this stuff like this is good…

I sense the opportunity of a jungle post in announcements of all places. Unfortunately we can only congratulate the same people so many times before risking a topic split. If we can just continuously bump with barely on-topic responses perhaps we may fulfill the spread of the eternal jungle.

Also congrats to the new leaders, from the time it took to write this it seems the people are staging some form of coordinated assassination attempt. Hope that goes well for y’all.

I dunno man this mass promotion was pretty pog.

By the way, I’m going to move away from the revolution stuff because I think Devo got in trouble for that type of joke.

bold of you to assume you’ll still be alive . . .

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So if Maco can make a death threat I can’t get in trouble for one, right?

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remind me how?