More New Forum Leaders

worth, i don’t have to babysit no more

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Time to ping funne shark man

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@anon64436269 Please convince Macobre to spare this young, innocent post.

It’s already beyond its intended lifespan

What shit he isn’t online

he’s at school, kiddo

you're stuck with m e

Time zones why

He’s already at school? :fr:

Australian shork

Wow, I can’t believe he’s upside down compared to the rest of the world


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Mako be like

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Yay, more ppl to kill when the revolution happens.

You gonna fight acid(painful)
Inferno itself
A savage wind
Collosal titan but shark
And i think uvadin is a demon

Just realized that 3 of the new leaders are the names of elements.

We kinda already know how to kill Maco so the others should be easy but shhhh

it was well deserved.

:vulcan_salute:t2: :frcryin:

Mako will be like

This is a joke not a death threat please do not ban me.

…ayo i don’t know if planning this stuff like this is good…