Morock Solos your favourite Arcane Character frfr

Can’t wait for him to wake up and think about how much attention he got from strangers on the internet because he acted like he thought that a character from a Lego game was an all-powerful entity that couldn’t be defeated by anyone in-universe.

Olympus is underwater
The Aegan sea is literal water, what would happen to it? the tectonic plates are UNDER the water.
the only part of the original mount Othrys is on the top of the island, the massive wall around it is part of the continental shelf that was raised when Durza cracked the tectonic plates into smaller pieces, as i described

This argument? I read it and it doesn’t make sense

as said by the almighty Vetex,
(turns out an image works just fine, didn’t need to quote this)

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would that even matter after durza became the purple orb thing?

i don’t give a shit abt u dawg :sob:

Is bro quoting his parents?

Uh no, Galbatorix was the one who commanded him to do so, and he was the one using both the Urgals and Durza for his goals.

Oh yeah, that’s probably because vetex said one of the no-no words and approved his own message. You’d need a mod to approve it if you were to quote it :/

If the tectonic plates had SHATTERED, Olympus nor othrys would not be intact because mountains are directly connected to the earth :man_facepalming:

Your original points were millions of plates. What headcanon dawg. Not only are you the #1 arcane lore fraud, you’re also blissfully ignorant to how mountains or the Epicenter’s existence in this.

The Tectonic plate is directly connected to the Mountain. If they had SHATTERED like you said, they would have either crumbled or outright collapsed into the surrounding land or sea.

Yeah, probably. What Vetex said implies the Absorption Curse does not have an ability beyond absorption. It is objectively a worse curse than previously thought because it doesn’t even protect you.

Ha. Ha. So funny. What an original and hilarious and unique comeback!!!1

I keep having to repeat myself because you refuse to you a certain organ called the brain

The plate is shattering, NOT the mountains. That’s like saying if a cup cracks the water in it does too, tectonic plates are on a Continental scale, mountains are on a regional scale.
I am getting very annoyed by having to repeat myself

If I broke your femur with a sledge hammer, would the hairs on your leg break too?

Think of it as a piece of glass on the floor shattering, it breaks into smaller pieces, mountains and the epicenter would be a speck of dust compared to one of these shards

Ye it was, I found it very funny

Grammatical error. I’ve already won but I’ll entertain you.

please read about the formation of mountains and their correlation to the tectonic plates. “Regional Scale”. Mountains are directly related and connected to the Plate. Please READ before you try allat.

on everything
you can’t be serious :sob:

bro needs to bring out 120% of his brain’s potential immediately :sob::pray:

if the plates shattered the mountain would fall apart because the mountain is 2 plates that pressed up and pushed each other up. if you pulled them apart it would either increase the size of the mountain or create a volcano

They aren’t being pulled apart, they are being shattered into pieces
It’s not even worth arguing with skittle when his best defense is “no”

I don’t recall mountains being made of sand :thinking:
That’s like saying you would explode if there was an earthquake, tectonic plates are constantly under stress irl, have you ever seen a mountain shatter?
That’s something not even a Magnitude 10 earthquake can remotely do.

Grammatical error, “all that”, everything you said is immediately invalidated

I am
Litterly chatgpt this shit yourself, the robot agrees with me. At most it destroys a few mountains directly on tectonic boundaries, it’s not possible for it to destroy every mountain on earth

If you answer me again with “that’s not right and I don’t need to say why :point_up::nerd_face:” I am going to mutilate you

An unopinionated machine utilizing the collective recordings of all human knowledge agrees with me.
Would some mountains break? Sure!
Would they ALL fall apart like a kicked over sand castle as you suggest? no!

Your point that “since there are mountains from back then that still exist now” means literally nothing and I have disproven this to you several times. Shattering tectonic plates would NOT destroy every mountain on Earth

So why don’t you at least try using 1% of your brain? That is if you have one.

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my super cool mage beats morock because he invested into 250+ attack speed and agility

your argument is the plate SHATTERING.
If you unironically believe mountains (formed and intrenched into plates) would remain intact after the shattering of their base, you are beyond the light of Morock.

Another unintentional Grammar error. gg wp.

Source = ChatGPT
Opinion = Invalidated

puppykeeper when he finds out about about the structure and formation of mountains:

lil bro acting like he sees mages fight eachother daily :sob:

Feel free to “mutilate” me, I don’t feel like giving a science lesson to someone who can’t be bothered to know how a mountain is not only formed but structured when tied to a plate.

(The Plates of AO 1000% exist intact because Vetex confirms the existence of the North and South poles, along with the existence of Greece remaining in a position next to Egypt and close to Ravenna, (IRL former capital of the Western Roman Empire, In Italy.)

Morock solos your academic career :sob::pray:

Blud its a fucking mountain, even if it cracks, the mountain itself isn’t going to move or just magically dissolve. At most the mountain can collapse or some shit? but the rocks aint going anywhere so its still technically a mountain
Also its pretty hard to see his light when its fodderized and sunken several hundred feet underwater

Are you being actually dumb on purpose. The north and south pole are based off of the Earth’s electromagnetic field, they are just the top and bottom of said field,

If you meant Antarctica and Arctica, Antarctica doesn’t exist anymore, seeing as the continent was shattered, and the Arctic would be largely unscathed, seeing as majority of it is ice instead of land.

Tectonic plates move stupidly slowly, as would their shards now that they are shattered, with the fastest one irl only moving 10 centimeters every YEAR. Even if you exaggerate the movement, they really wouldn’t be that far apart.

He was so damn stupid he forgot he could fly :man_facepalming:

You haven’t pulled a single source
This whole argument
Not one
Go ahead then “genius” prove me wrong WITH A SOURCE

mfw thats what i’ve been saying but ight

Refering to the Atlantic Plate, something you should know abt :skull:
If the “South Pole” exists, it implies that Antartica has retained shape and not outright shattered and disappeared.

yeah because again, we have mages irl too, met one just last week.

My source is my friends over at the Wandenreich, W Yhwach, L Soul Society.