Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

We will get two chapters, so prob around 160-165 yeah

So in theory that’d give you 330 points to work with

Magic Council captain cosplays will be more accurate than ever

“Oh boy, AO finally updated! Time to go check out the nimbus sea!”
The level 200+ pirate captain appearing right as I enter:

I feel sorry for the poor people who have just completed the bronze sea who are suddenly met with a level 260 brig that instantly destroys their caravel.

It’s gonna be like the Dark Sea experience, where maintaining social distance with ships is a rule of thumb. (or just run away from them.)

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Yeah but at least in the nimbus sea the ships don’t spawn with the intent to attack you they are just roaming.

Did you forget Pirate Ships? they attack anything that’s weaker than them, and Assasin Syndicate ships will attack anything on sight if you are good rep.

the real problem is people with both high agility and high health. If they get hit, it’ll just be a small amount of their max and they’ll just dodge around and heal it back up

armour pierce would ensure a higher amount of damage to builds like these, and would make them a bit less oppressive to fight against

Armour pierce also lowers the skill floor for getting into pvp, since you’d have a better time against people who run a large amount of defence when you’re not great at hitting others.

Also we have no idea what kind of armours the stat is attached to. maybe it’s armour that just has armour pierce and a substat, maybe it’s like vatrachos and it has a bit of defence, a different stat and armour pierce. I don’t think the armour would have power, since that would just be a bit too easy to make a build out of.

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a pirate sailboat attacked my brig
they know how good I am at this game ;-;

what? Ketches and below usually ignore me unless i get too close or i’ll attack first.

Pirates are very finnicky when it comes to aggro, sometimes they target you as soon as you get close and other times they will completely ignore you

I have seen fortified caravels go after my brig before

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idk which chat it was said in so i won’t go into specifics. but its been confirmed that nimbus sealed chests wont have tier 2 scroll drops

No, high agility alone or high attack speed is way more of a problem, since whatever their health, you can’t hit them

high attack speed isn’t too much of a problem, it just means that you can fire off attacks a bit faster
besides, that just makes it easier to parry those attacks, since the timing is easier to pin down due to the attack travelling faster.

you can get like 1000 defence while also having 300 agility and some power at our current max level
you’d simply lose due to being outstatted unless you run a similar build or one with a high amount of power and size

also remember that armour pierce is going to get more useful later in the game, maybe this would prevent the over-reliance on defence later on, since you can get a pretty high amount of defence if you invest a lot into it.



It’s the absolute meta rn, it’s exponential so can basically fully negate startup on most moves

im just sad that the funny immortal build is dead before it even became accessible

for true 0 startup you’d need about 500 attack speed
that leaves almost no room for power or defence

300 attack speed is pretty good as well, but you’d still need to sacrifice quite some power and defence, as well as a bunch of substats to actually make that build viable (without drawback, as you’d just spam yourself to death)

200 attack speed doesn’t affect startup too drastically, but is perfectly viable

besides, attack speed is going to get nerfed next update anyways

I think the main issue that I have with it is that if armor piercing is a check against high defense builds, there should ALSO be a stat to check high power builds at the same time

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