Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

me paralyzed watching 3 red lightning bolts hit me

Bro just summerized balance server in 1 image

hey guys does anyone wanna talk about the potential massive impact that ult art leaps will have on the meta

(I say this like, completely unironically, because ult art leaps might be insane)

Elon Musk’s rockets won’t be even close to the height of agility demon’s leap ult

i actually kinda like armour piercing, it means overall defence usage will fall, so i won’t have to use it, and defence is my least favourite state of the core 6 so i don’t want any

i’ve never liked power and defence’s prevalence in the meta as being regarded as required or the only main stats, so this could be a nice change


honestly i hope we get “Armor Piercing Rounds” as a warrior accessory that would be funny. they go in your pocket or something. +power and AP

anyway since people are whining: vetex said no individual piece of armor will give BOTH POWER AND DEFENSE. now he can circumvent that by having power and regen or defense and AP.

not only that but defense is getting buffed by 22 percent, armour piercing won’t be the end of the world

Can’t wait for ultimate art on beam/shot

Essentially a laser

wind mages sending themselves to the moon:


forgot about that

what a hypocrite. but that gives drawback. idk what the statement was but it would make sense for those sets to have a downside

Vatrachos is an exception due to having a negative stat

Given how AA’s leap alts were very commonly used due to the amount of distance you can achieve, you might actually be right

in an aerial combat games, who would’ve guessed height is super important :scream:

I don’t think they’d be too op
yes, they will boost you up by a huge amount
but it’ll also have a pretty large cooldown and windup since it’s an ult art
so unless you run high agility + high intensity, it’ll probably not be worth selecting ult art for leaps

Spirit Energy is not Soul Casting (wich took a toll on the user’s lifespan. Those are two totally different things.
Spirit Energy is a power coming from creating, used by gods and their descendants, as well as the users of spirit weapons.
Soul Casting is a VERY old form of Magic (wich comes from Chaos) wich used your soul to cast magic, taking a toll on you.

*My stat that gives me damage resistance the more power they build

I find it hilarious that this post shows how little you actually know about the game.

Defence isn’t oppresive whatsoever, it’s a safeguard so you don’t get one shot. I would like to make you notice, that practically any build in the game currently (excluding 150 Vitality 0 power lol) can kill a 2k HP target in less than a minute in a fight, 15-20 seconds if they stand still (that’s with just around the 70 Power mark, a glass cannon can do it in less than 5 seconds).
In our current meta the most oppresive stats are by far Agility and Attack Speed, high agility makes you nigh unhitable (if you’re smart, you can’t say “aim better”, if you hit someone with 350 agility alot, that means they don’t know how to move effeciently and more importantly, unpredictably). Attack Speed make your attack unreactable and often unpunishable, basically letting attack without ever being at risk.
Wow, defence let’s you take a few more hits, but at least you can actually fucking hit them.

Now let’s take a huge if, let’s say that even after the multiple effeciency nerfs Defence has had during AO, it was still too good (wich is totally stupid, I’m not saying defence was bad, but it wasn’t broken), Defence had allready gotten absolutely destroyed a few patches ago by getting it’s extra regen removed, wich made up a good chunk of it’s value, it now even takes longer to regen with high Defence, great, surviving ganks or 2/3/4/5/6v1s is now totally impossible! And on top of that, we have this new stat that punishes me for not wanting to be one shot.
Do remember than the new Arcanium Set coming will give power and it’s more effecient than Sunkens, let that sink in.

Well that raises a problem, 300 agility is more of a problem than 2.5k health is, and glass cannons with high regen in nimbus will be too, so why don’t they get a check? Also you’re assuming Vetex will only make Armor Piercing valuable to counter extremely high defence builds, but Vetex isn’t exactly the balancing genius, and that’s staying polite.

Knowing vetex, that’s totally possible.

You’re the one who runs 400 agility right? Sorry bud, but most people would prefer to face a mega tank than you cringe no skill build.

In cases like this, it’s on the player to find a counter/solution, like against a megatank using ironskin, just zone them. There shouldn’t be a stat that entirely invalidates a playstyle, just like if they added a stat that negated someone agility upon hitting them.

Yeah uh hate to break it to ya but Vetex doesn’t give a shit, last two updates he basically added a few easy number changes then said “fuck it I ain’t foing allat” and ignored the rest of the balancing.
If he actually cared about it he would like, ask, before adding a Regen Stat and an Armor Piercing stat.

If you (or anyone) thinks I’m wrong or wants to argue about this, I would be happy to do it in dms or another topic, kinda don’t wanna flood this topic, just needed to make my rant.


How much levels are we getting then? We gonna get to 150-160?

I assume the 1st part of the nimbus sea will go up to 165