Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

“Shield” stat that decreases extra damage from power you take

The idea I had instead was more a “thorned” stat which deals a % of damage to the person who attacked you based on how much damage they dealt to you


Yes but at least they have an aggro distance
Atlantean ships chase you across all 6 stages of the dark sea

I think that if Armor Piercing is added, it should be adjusted so that instead of just doing massive damage to high defense users all the time it would instead start high when the tank has higher HP but would diminish as the tank takes damage, if you’re at the point where the defense user is at their base HP there’s no more armor to even pierce

@Saiju show them

I have the build myself, I know how fast it can go

(I only made the build so I can fire 3 beams at the same time using the left/right arm across animation)(please, vetex, give us instant beam fire up to amount 4, 5 would be ult art)(reason: I’d be so cool)

Put it at 20 and you’re gaming.


Back to my PF shenanigans.

seems like rfao is gonna get purged, too much chatting

And then I will have some work to do

since vetex is busy doing armour rn (the last like 10 patchnotes), I wonder what the next set is going to focus on
(watch as vetex just decides to work on the story again)

Guys vote

Weapons set hopefully

ik im really late to the party but WOW THE KITCHEN IS GLITTERING WITH EATHEREAL LIGHT I AM AWESTRUCK BY THIS HOLY PRESENCE AMONG MANKIND and it sounds like mario odyssey music (I like mario odyssey music)

in summary, the cooking is immaculate give me this on a ten hour loop or give me the nimbus sea NOW (there is no compromise)

edit: im stupid I didn’t read further (i am very brainwashable) but the even though it isn’t real the cooking is immaculate and this cuisine blessed my mouth

I’m seeing a lot of talk about armor piercing, while I do agree its a nerf to a stat that isn’t necessarily the most meta to focus on (saying this as a knight main) I think you guys are overlooking the big picture here. Assuming level cap when warden releases is 160. Current Vitality is about 970 which is about 7 hp per level + 100. Vitality stat being 4 hp per stat invested. Considering this we can assume warden will have 2.5k HP! (Not including defense or vitality gear.) Equation is (Level x 7 +100) + (Vitality stat x 4 ) or (160 x 7 + 100) + (320 x 4). Imagine how big the gap will be over the next few story updates. Its not necessarily a bad thing they are doing this.

The difference at an assumed 600 level cap will be a whopping 5k hp with base stats alone. (not considering a potential warden awakening bonus)

(edit 9.1k to 4.3k hp)

do you forget that I die in 4 hits and deal very small damage man if you DON’T run 70+ power you cannot win against defence and as someone who uses skillshots: just aim man the agility user has to attack you to win just shoot them with a very fast projectile when they do

your crying about agility just seems like a skill issue (attack speed is fair tho but I wouldn’t say it’s as oppressive because it IS still possible to beat people that run attack speed if you don’t invest into meta)

agility is only an issue if you’re a cringelord who invests into other stats as well, don’t group me in with those nerds I’m a REAL agility fan not a metamancer I have like only 36 power and no defence but it’s all for the sake of going fast my 432 agility could easily be 420 or so agility with over 70+ power and I could get some frozen gear to get defence but I choose not to in order to get the true speed

not to mention I go so far that literally the only consistent option I have is piercing shot, everything else I can do doesn’t reach far enough for me to use. (if you use this as a point against agility, refer to the part where I have under 1k hp, while the opponent most likely does not, and has power. I have to touch the ground eventually, no matter how “UnPrEdIcTaBlE” I can be)

In addition, you have been running agility before it was seen as broken. If you were already trying to have the most of a stat before it became meta, you shouldn’t be blamed for it.

I STILL don’t like the teleports agility grants and I STILL want it to be reverted back to no teleports

wardens having 2.5k hp at level 160 is true, but doesn’t take into account the fact they take damage when THEY attack, making the extra health gained moot.

in addition, armor piercing hurts EVERYONE, not just vitality, hell it could be argued it hurts vitality builds less since they don’t need to invest as much defense as other builds, though them burning their health making the extra health moot counters this argument somewhat. at the same time it could be argued that it harms it more, as since health is vitality’s energy bar it gets punished for trying to increase it. it’d be like having a direct counter to energy regen gems.

this is no way harms wardens as they won’t exist for a while, and once they do, they’ll only be affected by it if they invest in defense and they can afford to just, invest into power or substats.

It could be a toggleable thing. Personally I feel like actually launching yourself that high into the air is much better than teleporting part of the way.