Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

simply throw a towel over your head and they don’t know who you are anymore

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Tibera shall host a revolution for all the forgotten ravennians king calvus has ignored .3.

they just spam blast to flatten the ground

Headless head - simple solution

Also from this photo, it looks like there’s going to be canals between each town in Sameria to navigate around. Would brigs be able to fit or would this give use to smaller boat types like the ketch or caravel?

it looks like brigs would probably fit horizontally
but we don’t know how deep the water is

it’d be annoying to scroll past your hundreds of blueprints to reequip your ship build just because your ship is too large

The time of the Rowboat of the Gods has finally come!

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name brig ‘Evergiven’
insert joke about suez canal

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Will analyse the leaks more in a bit, I’m liking the style with the contrasting canals and greenery to the rock. Rather than Ravenna which was just a huge mountain, it seems like it’s flat ground mainly with some smaller mountainous areas between

There better be multiple secrets, like in WoM where it legitimately took me years to discover what I don’t even think is every little nook and interesting location.


but we’re able to dash now

The only thing left for us to get is sensing. I wonder if we could sense Martin, will his power level even fit into our screen?

There’s two different cities shown between the pictures.

The first one is a overgrown mossy town of what looks to be a port town (as you’ll notice by the amount of barrels and cargo), that’s further away from the center of Sameria. I wonder if this means this was an older city or a former capital of the island that has been moved on from. This is likely going to be our first town we step onto when we arrive into port.

The second town we see has clean buildings with no moss and holds what looks to be the palace of sameria. This will hold the capital and army of Sameria as we can now see that the boats have a golden lining and the looming palace in the background. I doubt we’ll be able to enter this city from the get-go and will likely need an invitation to enter the closed city.

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Nvm I’ll look at it in more detail tomorrow goodbye chat (when Forum #general anyway…)

Good bye randomness see you tommorow

The last image fills me with much joy, I knew it was gonna be a huge island but I’m super happy that it’s isn’t another big oval island

It has like… coves and stuff! Ravenna is well designed because of its simplicity to get around and is a great max level spawn island (though could use more spawn points impo)
But this is like a WoM that I can run around and explore



We asked Vetex to cook dinner and he cooked a whole buffet

WoM’s stuff were actual secrets though and it didn’t matter if you just roamed the island to find an opening to a “secret” (Ravenna), a ton of people didn’t even know that there is a small cave system under Ashen’s Volcano while almost every player knows every AO secret besides MAYBE Munera.

The main reason behind this isn’t because of dashing but because you NEED to find these secrets to complete the island, so now people have a reason to google the secrets and it ruins the magic.

Ancient text is a good example of how not making it a requirement keeps it hidden, you don’t need to read ancient text for a title or exp so the vast majority of players don’t know almost anything about it

What? Why I hear about it just now? I surely made a several laps around Ashen Volcano in my WoM years, and haven’t seen any caves