Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

If you go to the entrance on the south side of the city there’s a pile of obsidian you can destroy next to the volcano that opens up into a cave.

Also this is just further proving my point, this happened last time I brought up how WoM secrets are actually hidden too :sob:

Thank god, should make getting from town to town easier without having to circumnavigate the entire island

Surpised not many have seen this:

In the canal behind the mossy island, you can see more boats in the distance, another town by the looks of it! It might even be a third town since geography doesn’t seem to match up very well, but it is a distant picture, who knows.

I was thinking the EXACT same thing lol

From my analyzing, its the capital where the castle is.

Look at the boats, and the spires behind the mountian. They match with the castle and city!

god with how laggy Ravenna is this might be a slideshow

People lag at Ravenna?

Not as desert-y as I thought it’d be

generally, fps at ravenna is around 20 lower than other parts of the bronze sea, and this island seems nearly 5 times bigger, or larger

i think i read somewhere destroyed terrain does not despawn after regen and causes lag, so yeah

there are still stuff like breakable walls and other stuff that few people know about, like the one at thorin’s refuge, the myriad and also that small little cave thing on elius’s sky island

when i saw that i thought a ryujin envoy possibly

Would make sense, as we have no lore on this dynasty for now except the description of samurai robes set. Also, new samurai armor set is coming this update.

First file I never googled anything secret related. The magic was not ruined it just changed. I get why because it felt like checking stuff off a checklist but a lot of secrets in some islands aren’t even related to the completion secrets

Spoilers to some

this the hole underwater on limestone


the several caves on Ravenna


The chests underwater at harvest (and the top of the waterfall ig but I found that before I found the actual secret lol)

Sameria looks peak

I’d honestly suggest that

Vetex really needs to ask for help or hire devs to optimize his game cus nimbus sea finna be 100x worse than the bronze sea

We can probably expect for story updates to continue soonish…

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“finally almost done”
Maybe a bit more to go

I was just gonna say that lol

Yeah, I wasn’t saying Vetex is gonna update the trello with “Chapter 7, part 1 can now be completed” tomorrow, or something like that

Still, hopefully within a week story stuff gets going!
(I’m being optimistic)