Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Prob due to seasonings. I doubt these are silver pot effects. I just think no one of you ever seasoned your meals to remember how seasonings effects look like

Regarding the dark seasā€¦ How would it work if per say, you sail to the south dark seas on the bronze sea, you get somewhat deep, and then head eastā€¦ Woulf you enter the nimbus sea, or still remain in the bronze dark sea! Just asking because my dark sea expeditions always take me in a giant circle!

Going through the barrier gives you a text asking if you want to travel to the nimbus sea, if you click no you are good

Yay! Good to know, thank you

youā€™re right about the seasonings. I never touched them so Idk what their effects look like.
However, I spent enough time maxing cooking skill on 4 files using majorly silver pots from DS I know very well if something is about to trigger my minmaxxing fish buffets PTSD when I laid my eyes on it :fr:

still below me :triumph: :lightning_magic_var1: I demand a sandwich to be created in my honor with pickles, provolone cheese, heirloom tomatoes, arugula, salami slices, ham, and bacon slices, drizzled with mustard and mayonnaise and all placed within a perfectly crisp and freshly baked loaf of Italian bread.

ae i mean redwake to ravenna is 99 galleons

Donā€™t believe me? watch this spell!


@Cryonical yo can you delete this

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I guess it is time to pull out the reverse card. Cryo delete both my and his messages

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thereā€™s no reversing this one lil bro

modsā€¦ make this man drink molten ice creamā€¦

You are not that powerful as you think you are

Nothing against the rules was done by me recently. But calling the mods without any real reason is against the rules, isnā€™t it?

the rulebreaking in question

yes, heā€™s done this on multiple threads.

(if this has to get deleted then thatā€™s fine but Iā€™m not gonna tolerate this goofy ass blatant clearer than general julian manipulation)

fodders like you should learn some manners

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I feel like ever since AO releaseā€¦ The term fodder has came into fruitionā€¦ It make me cry

Even there was no rulebreaking, memes are memes. Especially those posted fitting to situation. And I highly doubt someone can name me fodder without any consequences

Oh absolutely not, fodder has been used as an insult way before the conception of AO

Though used not by those who should use

are you mentally slow

Maybe just correct

ok I don't wanna flood this thread anymore this guy is so clueless it's unreal