Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

the one where you make colossal clouds of sand that linger?

I really hope this gets changed.

Harder ship fights being easily accessible would be nice, because when in the Bronze sea with a brig, all the boats are easy to sink.

it would also just be cool to have brigs in the nimbus sea.

“yo what are you doing with a ketch at level 600”

People were saying you got the flag right when you got to the kingdom, so I guess they were lying or its different with Ravenna since brigs were added after the bronze sea story ended

think you get the flag once you finish the kingdom’s story

Thats what I thought, then all those people starting saying you got it when you get to a kingdom and it was really confusing

THIS was the reason Brigs as a whole were laggy compared to anything else of the game that doesn’t involve 10 or so enemies spamming attacks :anger:…

It’s sad that Vetex cannot do much about it unless he optimizes the ship system (will take extra time) or Roblox improves their engine (impossible) :pensive:

leaving doesn’t save anything

imagine how long its gonna take vetex to build Jotunheim

blizzards are tornado reskins

as a side note I still have never seen a tornado nor blizzard outside of the dark sea

i have

Yeah I’m pretty sure they are still bugged, Vetex has tried to fix it like 10 times but somehow they just won’t spawn lmao

Guess my plan to terrorize the poor Tiberians are gonna have to get postponed :confused:

If this works anywhere then the boss farming potential is insane


He basically never does them :skull:

still holding out hope for choosing our spawn point to a previous spawn point

That will be useful for NPC hunts, very nice addition

At least on sameria it won’t be impossible to find bounties, but I wonder if we will get a similar thing with treasure charts (treasure charts on sameria WILL be impossible)

It shouldn’t be too hard considering that Sameria is broken up into a desert region, so you can just see if it’s in the ground or sand