Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

This is bound to be a very big W for AO if you can additionally choose what lost magic scroll you get, but that’s unlikely.

me choosing storm only to now have lightning 2 times basically (vetex didn’t allow us to change our 1st magic)

i know its been 3 days but incorrect

I was talking about his plans to not add kingdom alignment, not add all of chapter 7, and plans to begin releasing smaller updates every month or so instead of bigger ones every 3 to 4 months. Incorrect

It’s like how he released the game before fully implementing brewing and jewelcrafting
While his original plan was to add kingdom alignment, it would take too long and he doesn’t want to delay Nimbus Sea even more

Non-magic builds and savants getting a lost magic scroll from plot-relevant character #47:

Wdym savants :moyai:

it’d probably be a lost fighting style scroll for berserkers and a artisan weapon for warrior
don’t know about vitality, because we all don’t know about vitality

According to the current listed stat requirements for lost magics, savants cannot use lost magics

I don’t know man, having lost magic at only 300 magic seems rather low

yeah thats like Level 150 for mages, so nimbus part 1 even

I agree. As a warlock, I would be able to get a lost magic at level 250, the same time as my second awakening. If you get your last awakening and a lost magic at level 250, what power-ups are going to fill in the gaps until level 600, besides ancient magics? Almost all big power-increases being acquirable under halfway to max level is disproportionate.

Level cap in this update will probably be 130 or 135, since we’re getting only a tiny portion of chapter 7. If we do get level 150 I would be very happy. But sadly we might have to wait until sometime in April or May for that.

stage 1: denial

What i was trying to point out is that vetex will allow every build to get lost stuff.
And of course 300 would be too low.
But considering savants can unlock aura for their second magic at like, 170 points, a reduced requirment would be the only way for them to have access to the scrolls

i do NOT understand your vendetta against that man :sob:

maybe lost/ancient spells/techniques could fill that gap, and whatever warlock exclusive spells/techniques are made too

He’s just a day 1 hater fr, I respect his grind tho

I hope it’s a random scroll tbh