Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)


Canā€™t believe a user with no #introduce-yourself thread caused Misinput to threaten closure

Truly a moment of all time

It has happened before with one of my topics because of the exact same user

I wonder
does sameria have a dyer npc?

Forum in a nutshell

Most likely. Sameria is an important island like Ravenna, so no doubt about that.

I wonder if sameria will have multiple secrets as its exploration task! I love exploring and sameria looks awesome. Didnt vetex say its likeā€¦ just as big as the current world of magic map? Thats true dedicationā€¦

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yeah, I hope so as well
there were a few ruins scattered around if youā€™ve seen the images and the stream, so I hope that they have something interesting to them
it might be cool if they have an underground part like that one ruin from WoM which is half underwater, maybe an underground maze or something

I havent anything on stream yet hahah, dont wanna spoil myself- Besides! When the update comes out ill be in the bronze and dark seas anyways, because sameria with like 20 people could be a trainwreckā€¦

Yes, and Jotunheim is apparently meant to be bigger

I on a technical level cant imagine jotunheim, isnt thatā€¦ too big that there could be performance issues?

Theoretically it could be an issue but thatā€™s an issue for future vetex

Ya, i just hope maybe for nimbus release, maybe we can enter the rollout phase for likeā€¦ 2 days

you could probably divide it up into a bunch of smaller regions and then make it unload the ones furthest away

Yeah I think ravenna does that soā€¦ yeahhhh, thatll be just fine!

sweats nervously in having no introduce-yourself thread

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I donā€™t have one either, it turns out all you need to do is be nice.

At least the towns yeah

Yeah I canā€™t imagine not having one, definitely couldnā€™t be me

Who needs an introduction thread when you can just make a joke for your first post and immediately start off on a good note