Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

What do we think vet is working on right now?

  • Chapter 2
  • Not chapter 2
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The Thalassi is purple and grey. You know another pirate captain with that color scheme


Verdingas confirmed. Also you fight him on a skyship. Trust me, I’m vetex

it may or may not be Verdingas, who knows.
What gimmick does Verdingas have in the original AA? if he is even fightable, that is.

i would literally program this shit if i had to that would be so nice

I cant wait for the 5,000,000 galleon cap! Itll give me some stuff to do

damn… who knows how many apples you can buy with all that?

Well, like 3

sweats nervously in first post being a suggestion out of suggestions

Sky skate

His name is Verdies lol, Verdingas is a mispelling for memes.

He had Plasma Magic (which was a mutation, not a starter magic, so it was a pretty big deal) and sky skates which he used to levitate. He didn’t move around at all, he could drink healing potions, and he was giant because of his vastus genes.

he also deals a shit ton of damage for the level you usually fight him at because when vetex was making him tech said “make the damage higher itll be funny” and vetex laughed then did it

Also if I remember correctly several of his attacks could be completely negated by shooting him with a doomwood bow

Arrows could block any moving projectile which allowed you to cheese fights like Verdies where they spam blasts

At long last, the player can finally drink something other than potions and seawater


Disgusting smoothie.
We can create sludge now. This is a big day for all of us.

my daily slop ration can finally be realized
inb4 the disgusting smoothie gives self-damage

can we also have a sunscreen potion :pray: (if the smoothie cannot be drank at above 100 hunger)

the grimace shake is real

My 400 giant greencaps are ready

The cursed mushroom shake is real!!!